U2 is sort of song writing by accident really. We don’t really know what we’re doing and when we do, it doesn’t seem to help.
BonoBut more than anything else, for the British folks Irish people were all terrorists. So when we went to Britain, it was always a lot of resistance to U2. And that’s why we came to America.
BonoI get to hear the really good or the really bad things in the press, but I don’t read it. I can afford to say that because public opinion does not drive U2’s audience.
BonoHanging out with politicians and corporations is very unhip work. But I think that the U2 audience have turned out to be incredibly subtle in their understanding.
BonoIt’s much easier to be successful than it is to be relevant. The tricks won’t keep you relevant. Tricks might keep you popular for a while, but in all honesty, I don’t know how U2 will stay relevant. I know we’ve got a future. I know we can fill stadiums. And yet with every record, I think, ‚Is this it? Are we still relevant?‘
BonoThe great music for so many artists – the Beatles, the Rolling Stones – was always at the moment when they were closest to pop. It would be easy for U2 to go off and have a concept album, but I want us to stay in the pop fray.
BonoI don’t like the name, U2, actually.
BonoU2 was involved in Live Aid, and I ended up going to Ethiopia and working there for some time with my wife, Ali.
BonoU2’s best work has always been when we didn’t know what we’re doing.
BonoUntil it’s on the radio or online, it’s not real. With U2, our album isn’t finished until it’s in the stores.
BonoU2 is an original species… there are colours and feelings and emotional terrain that we occupy that is ours and ours alone.
BonoRock ‚n‘ roll is ridiculous. It’s absurd. In the past, U2 was trying to duck that. Now we’re wrapping our arms around it and giving it a great big kiss.