truth quotes


Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.

Henry David Thoreau

Truth is beautiful, without doubt; but so are lies.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Reality has a way of intruding. Reality eventually intrudes on everything.

Joe Biden

In whatever adulation you get, there’s truth and there’s not truth. And wherever they dog you, and they say it was horrible – there’s truth and there’s not truth. It’s human nature to like to read the adulation more.

Matthew McConaughey

A gaffe in Washington is someone telling the truth, and telling the truth has never hurt me.

Joe Biden

Doubt thou the stars are fire, Doubt that the sun doth move. Doubt truth to be a liar, But never doubt I love.

William Shakespeare

To die for an idea; it is unquestionably noble. But how much nobler it would be if men died for ideas that were true!

H. L. Mencken

Every mind must make its choice between truth and repose. It cannot have both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

If there is one thing I fear less than everything else, it is, I believe, persecution for my opinions. There are a good many points about which I may be diffident, but when it comes to questions of Truth and intellectual independence, there is no holding me – I can envisage no finer end than to sacrifice oneself for a conviction.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

The great quest of life has always been to discover truth.

Joyce Meyer

If I am judged for my work, many myths about me as an autocrat or otherwise would become clearer. I feel false propaganda will not last, and truth will ultimately prevail.

Narendra Modi

Truth, according to the Christian faith, is God’s love for us in Jesus Christ. Therefore, truth is a relationship.

Pope Francis

It takes two to speak the truth: one to speak, and another to hear.

Henry David Thoreau

Truth has rough flavours if we bite it through.

George Eliot

Falsehood is easy, truth so difficult.

George Eliot

I was bold in the pursuit of knowledge, never fearing to follow truth and reason to whatever results they led, and bearding every authority which stood in their way.

Thomas Jefferson

Speak the truth, and all things alive or brute are vouchers, and the very roots of the grass underground there, do seem to stir and move to bear you witness.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

What I’ve discovered is that in art, as in music, there’s a lot of truth-and then there’s a lie. The artist is essentially creating his work to make this lie a truth, but he slides it in amongst all the others. The tiny little lie is the moment I live for, my moment. It’s the moment that the audience falls in love.

Lady Gaga

I promised myself that I would write as well as I can, tell the truth, not to tell everything I know, but to make sure that everything I tell is true, as I understand it. And to use the eloquence which my language affords me.

Maya Angelou

A good novel tells us the truth about its hero; but a bad novel tells us the truth about its author.

Gilbert K. Chesterton

If you want to become fully mature in the Lord, you must learn to love truth. Otherwise, you will always leave open a door of deception for the enemy to take what is meant to be yours.

Joyce Meyer

Truth is handsomer than the affectation of love. Your goodness must have some edge to it, else it is none.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

I tell people, and it’s the truth, I could sit in my garage for a week and it won’t make me a car. And you can sit in church till your bottom is flat and that won’t make you a servant of Christ.

Joyce Meyer

There is not a truth existing which I fear… or would wish unknown to the whole world.

Thomas Jefferson

In matters of truth the fact that you don’t want to publish something is, nine times out of ten, a proof that you ought to publish it.

Gilbert K. Chesterton

It is always better to have no ideas than false ones; to believe nothing, than to believe what is wrong.

Thomas Jefferson

The most costly of all follies is to believe passionately in the palpably not true. It is the chief occupation of mankind.

H. L. Mencken

What is earnest is not always true; on the contrary, error is often more earnest than truth.

Benjamin Disraeli

Something unpleasant is coming when men are anxious to tell the truth.

Benjamin Disraeli

We have but one permanent home: heaven – that’s still the old truth that we always have to re-learn – and it’s only through the impact of sad experiences that we assimilate it.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

The lawyer’s truth is not Truth, but consistency or a consistent expediency.

Henry David Thoreau

Nine times out of ten, in the arts as in life, there is actually no truth to be discovered; there is only error to be exposed.

H. L. Mencken

I love that I can tell the truth and have people laugh at it.

Kevin Hart

Justice is truth in action.

Benjamin Disraeli

Strike an average between what a woman thinks of her husband a month before she marries him and what she thinks of him a year afterward, and you will have the truth about him.

H. L. Mencken

Truth is certainly a branch of morality and a very important one to society.

Thomas Jefferson

Part of the reason there’s an injunction to the truth, for example, is that if you’re in a circumstance of extreme uncertainty, your best weapon, let’s say, or your best tool or your best defense is the truth, because it keeps things simpler.

Jordan Peterson

Ignorance is preferable to error, and he is less remote from the truth who believes nothing than he who believes what is wrong.

Thomas Jefferson

There is never vulgarity in a whole truth, however commonplace. It may be unimportant or painful. It cannot be vulgar. Vulgarity is only in concealment of truth, or in affectation.

John Ruskin

Nothing can be beautiful which is not true.

John Ruskin

Half a truth is better than no politics.

Gilbert K. Chesterton

Truth is everybody is going to hurt you: you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.

Bob Marley

He that takes truth for his guide, and duty for his end, may safely trust to God’s providence to lead him aright.

Blaise Pascal

There may not be one Truth – there may be several truths – but saying that is not to say that reality doesn’t exist.

Margaret Atwood

It seems a fantastic paradox, but it is nevertheless a most important truth, that no architecture can be truly noble which is not imperfect.

John Ruskin

There’s just some magic in truth and honesty and openness.

Frank Ocean

You don’t have to be scared of me, because I am loyal. Why are people so scared of creative ideas and so scared of truth? All I want to do is do good.

Kanye West

Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.

George Orwell

Not only is there but one way of doing things rightly, but there is only one way of seeing them, and that is, seeing the whole of them.

John Ruskin

That’s another hallmark of truth, is that it snaps things together. People write to me all the time and say it’s as if things were coming together in my mind. It’s like the Platonic idea that all learning was remembering. You have a nature, and when you feel that nature articulated, it’s it’s like the act of snapping the puzzle pieces together.

Jordan Peterson

Let us begin by committing ourselves to the truth to see it like it is, and tell it like it is, to find the truth, to speak the truth, and to live the truth.

Richard M. Nixon

Every time I say something that’s extremely truthful out loud, it literally breaks the Internet.

Kanye West

The truth is something that burns. It burns off dead wood. And people don’t like having the dead wood burnt off, often because they’re 95 percent dead wood.

Jordan Peterson

Contradiction is not a sign of falsity, nor the lack of contradiction a sign of truth.

Blaise Pascal

Seeing is not always believing.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Faith embraces many truths which seem to contradict each other.

Blaise Pascal

By and large, language is a tool for concealing the truth.

George Carlin

The minority is sometimes right; the majority always wrong.

George Bernard Shaw

Truth is the property of no individual but is the treasure of all men.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

I have a theory that the truth is never told during the nine-to-five hours.

Hunter S. Thompson