team dynamics quotes


For my career, I wouldn’t go racing if I didn’t enjoy it. I still need to have my say, and not just get put with a team and get told to deal with it.

Lando Norris

I think, team first. It allows me to succeed, it allows my team to succeed.

LeBron James

When you have that respect from your teammates, it makes it a lot more comfortable.

LeBron James

The more players I have, the more difficult choices there are for me, but the better it is for LFC.

Jurgen Klopp

If the team keeps changing then everything has to keep changing.

Sunil Chhetri

The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime.

Babe Ruth

There are definitely designers that I love, people I love to work with. And who they are as people matters. Are they good people? Do they treat their staff well? Do they treat my staff well? Are they young? Can I give them a boost? But when all of that is equal… is it cute?

Michelle Obama

We’re not going to go 82-0 and blow everybody out. We are going to be challenged.

Stephen Curry

Fit no stereotypes. Don’t chase the latest management fads. The situation dictates which approach best accomplishes the team’s mission.

Colin Powell

When the players go home, I can’t tell them what to do, so you need to create an atmosphere of trust. I don’t want to think, ‚What are they doing now? Do I need to call them?‘

Jurgen Klopp

I’m not sure what you need first – the players believing or others believing in them – but in the end, both have to think it.

Jurgen Klopp

After winning, most teams become individuals; most teams become complacent.

Lou Holtz

If you continue to keep low performers on your team, that are actually dragging the team down; you’re failing the whole team, and eventually, the whole team is going to fail.

Jocko Willink

WIth football you can have up to 28 guys you consider starters, and if they can pick up the slack when some aren’t playing so well, you don’t have to turn those two game losing streaks into six-game losing streaks.

Tom Brady

I had practiced with the team, and the first scheduled game was with the University of Missouri. They made it quite clear to the Army that they would not play a team with a black player on it. Instead of telling me the truth, the Army gave me leave to go home.

Jackie Robinson

The best leaders understand the motivations of their team members and know their people – their lives and their families. But a leader must never grow so close to subordinates that one member of the team becomes more important than another, or more important than the mission itself.

Jocko Willink

When I signed up for BFC, then-coach Ashley Westwood wanted me to play on the left as an attacking midfielder. I was not sure initially but I believed in his vision. For the first six-seven games, I didn’t really know what I was doing. I was like a headless chicken. But he kept backing me.

Sunil Chhetri

Since the team understands that the leader is de facto in charge, in that respect, a leader has nothing to prove. But in another respect, a leader has everything to prove: Every member of the team must develop the trust and confidence that their leader will exercise good judgment, remain calm, and make the right decisions when it matters most.

Jocko Willink

You look at another team’s style and how they do it, and you just want to understand how they’re doing it and see if you can learn something and maybe implement it into what your team does.

Tom Brady

Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to trust your team. It’s a lesson I’ve had to relearn quite a few times.

Robert Kiyosaki

I’m more than comfortable just sitting back and scoring 21, 22 points or whatever and getting 10, 11 assists whatever the case might be. More than comfortable with that. It’s just a matter of the pieces that you have around you and what you can do to elevate everybody else.

Kobe Bryant

I don’t want a brat on my team.

Abby Lee Miller