strategic thinking quotes


People expect your behavior to conform to known patterns and conventions. Your task as a strategist is to upset their expectations.

Robert Greene

I got an album concept called ‚Exit Strategy,‘ that might be one of my last ones. It’s a term they use in business when you build companies. You create an exit strategy as you make a company. You don’t wait till you’re five years in it; you create a exit strategy as you make the company.

Nipsey Hussle

From my intimate discussions with President Obama, it is evident that India figures significantly in American geo-political, economic and strategic thinking. India is the largest democracy in the world.

Narendra Modi

I’m trying to construct a world that maximises the probability that SpaceX continues its mission without me.

Elon Musk

Now from a distance, I look back on what the Corps taught me: to think like men of action, and to act like men of thought!

Jim Mattis

Your energy, your spirit are important considerations. Feeling petty and frustrated can have reverberating consequences for your ability to think strategically and reach your goals.

Robert Greene

No sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not only the world as it is, but the world as it will be.

Isaac Asimov

In my line of work, the enemy gets a vote.

Jim Mattis

There’s an urgent need to stop reacting to each immediate vexing issue in isolation. Such response often creates unanticipated second-order effects and even more problems for us.

Jim Mattis

He who could foresee affairs three days in advance would be rich for thousands of years.

Thomas Carlyle