sinners quotes


Although God loves us unconditionally, He does get angry at sin, wickedness and evil. But He is not an angry God. God hates sin, but He loves sinners! He will never approve of sin in your life, but He always loves you and wants to work with you to make progress in living a holy life in Christ.

Joyce Meyer

We’re all just a bunch of sinners, but we do the best we can.

Dolly Parton

We’re all sinners. Everybody you meet all over the world is a sinner.

Billy Graham

The church saves sinners, but science seeks to stop their manufacture.

Elbert Hubbard

There are only two kinds of men: the righteous who think they are sinners and the sinners who think they are righteous.

Blaise Pascal

We may be surprised at the people we find in heaven. God has a soft spot for sinners. His standards are quite low.

Desmond Tutu

I do think that a minister who can preach a sermon without addressing sinners does not know how to preach.

Charles Spurgeon

My evidence that I am saved does not lie in the fact that I preach, or that I do this or that. All my hope lies in this: that Jesus Christ came to save sinners. I am a sinner, I trust Him, then He came to save me, and I am saved.

Charles Spurgeon

You should not believe your conscience and your feelings more than the word which the Lord who receives sinners preaches to you.

Martin Luther

The only difference between the saint and the sinner is that every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

Oscar Wilde

Saints need sinners.

Alan Watts

It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

Jesus Christ