singer quotes


That little Miley Cyrus… she’s like a little Elvis. The kids love her because she’s Hannah Montana, but what people don’t realize about her is she is such a fantastic singer and songwriter. She writes songs like she’s 40 years old!

Dolly Parton

I’m gonna be making records anyway, even if I had to sell ‚em out of the trunk of my car. I’m that kind of musician and singer.

Dolly Parton

Faith Hill is a big role model.

Taylor Swift

I’m a singer, a writer and an actress – when I find something that I feel good enough about doing.

Dolly Parton

I don’t really like to call myself a brand, and I don’t like to think of myself as a brand. I’m a singer, a songwriter, a musician and a performer. And an actress, and all the other things that I do. When you add it all together, some might call it a brand, but that’s not my focus.

Beyonce Knowles

I love Chris Brown. He’s a superstar. He’s one of the best singers out there.

DJ Khaled

Diana Ross is a big inspiration to all of us. We all grew up watching everything about her – her mike placement, her grace, her style and her class.

Beyonce Knowles

I never really felt like a rock singer or a rock star or whatever.

David Bowie

I’m a singer, not a politician, and I think you don’t want the two to get confused. It’s not OK to be on CNN talking about people starving and then tell the interviewer that your new album is coming out in six months.


When I started making my own records, I had this idea of drowning out the singer and putting the rest in the foreground. It was the background that interested me.

Brian Eno

I’m a writer first and a singer second.

Lana Del Rey

I can only say the first thing that pops into my mind is I remember, years ago, seeing kind of a has-been country singer working – when I first moved to Nashville – in a bar in a Holiday Inn.

Jimmy Buffett

I’m a writer first and a singer second. And then I started editing my own videos when I was 17, so it’s a process I’ve been doing since I was younger.

Lana Del Rey

I’m no hillbilly singer.

Elvis Presley