rock music quotes


From the time that ‚Nevermind‘ came out in September of 1991 to the time that Nirvana was over, it was really just a few years, and a lot happened in those few years.

Dave Grohl

Actually, I hear a lot of rock music. My husband is a big rock fan.

Dolly Parton

There’s always gonna be rock n‘ roll bands, there’s always gonna be kids that love rock n‘ roll records, and there will always be rock n‘ roll.

Dave Grohl

Rock music is niche.


I never really felt like a rock singer or a rock star or whatever.

David Bowie

Because you have things like ‚American Idol‘ and you’ve got radio stations that play music made entirely by computers, it’s easy to forget there are bands with actual people playing actual instruments that rock.

Dave Grohl

As hard as it is, as ghetto as it is, hip-hop is pop music. It’s the sound of music getting out of the ghetto, while rock is looking for a ghetto.


I discovered after going to music festivals that I am a rock fan. I love the guitars, the phrasing, and the abandon of rock fans.

Beyonce Knowles

Rock stars are good at making noise.


I don’t have no favorite rock bands. I’m a fan of rock music, though.

DJ Khaled

I don’t blame the average seventeen-year-old punk-rock kid for calling me a sellout. I understand that. And maybe when they grow up a little bit, they’ll realize there’s more things to life than living out your rock & roll identity so righteously.

Kurt Cobain

I hate the rock music tradition. I can’t bear it!

Brian Eno