racial injustice quotes


I will not sit in a room with black people when the N word is used. I know it was meant to belittle a person, so I will not sit there and have that poison put on me. Now a black person can say, ‚Oh, you know, I can use this word because I’m black.‘

Maya Angelou

Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago.

Barack Obama

Living in a state of terror was new to many white people in America, but black people have been living in a state of terror in this country for more than 400 years.

Maya Angelou

I had practiced with the team, and the first scheduled game was with the University of Missouri. They made it quite clear to the Army that they would not play a team with a black player on it. Instead of telling me the truth, the Army gave me leave to go home.

Jackie Robinson

I grew up in the South under segregation. So, I know what terrorism feels like – when your father could be taken out in the middle of the night and lynched just because he didn’t look like he was in an obeying frame of mind when a white person said something he must do. I mean, that’s terrorism, too.

Alice Walker

So many killings of black men in my lifetime. The physical shock is astounding.

Alice Walker