positive impact quotes


It’s not that every single thing that happens on Facebook is gonna be good. This is humanity. People use tools for good and bad, but I think that we have a clear responsibility to make sure that the good is amplified and to do everything we can to mitigate the bad.

Mark Zuckerberg

Almost always, the creative dedicated minority has made the world better.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

If everyone does some good, think of what a good world this will be.

Jackie Chan

I believe that if you have revolutionary potential, you must make the world a better place and use it.

Lady Gaga

I’ve made my share of mistakes along the way, but if I have changed even one life for the better, I haven’t lived in vain.

Muhammad Ali

I’ve never gone into business to make money. Every Virgin product and service has been made into a reality to make a positive difference in people’s lives. And by focusing on the happiness of our customers, we have been able to build a successful group of companies.

Richard Branson

Drones overall will be more impactful than I think people recognize, in positive ways to help society.

Bill Gates

We expect all our businesses to have a positive impact on our top and bottom lines. Profitability is very important to us or we wouldn’t be in this business.

Jeff Bezos

If there is even one woman out there who went and got checked and found that she had cancer or she was positive and she caught something in time, and if in any small way I was a part of that, it makes me very emotional.

Angelina Jolie

A gentleman is one who puts more into the world than he takes out.

George Bernard Shaw

May we do good everywhere as we have opportunity, and results will not be wanting!

Charles Spurgeon

The internet could be a very positive step towards education, organisation and participation in a meaningful society.

Noam Chomsky

Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.

William James

I have always been grateful to Colonel Longley. He proved to me that when people in authority take a stand, good can come out of it.

Jackie Robinson