open-minded quotes


When you say ‚control freak‘ and ‚OCD‘ and ‚organized,‘ that suggests someone who’s cold in nature, and I’m just not. Like, I’m really open when it comes to letting people in. But I just like my house to be neat, and I don’t like to make big messes that would hurt people.

Taylor Swift

The best scientist is open to experience and begins with romance – the idea that anything is possible.

Ray Bradbury

I am the most helpful and open up doors for everyone and I like to share.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

A liberal is a man too broadminded to take his own side in a quarrel.

Robert Frost

Open-minded people tend to be interested in Buddhism because Buddha urged people to investigate things – he didn’t just command them to believe.

Dalai Lama

When I was a child I asked my mother what homosexuality was about and she said – and this was 100 years ago in Germany and she was very open-minded – ‚It’s like hair color. It’s nothing. Some people are blond and some people have dark hair. It’s not a subject.‘ This was a very healthy attitude.

Karl Lagerfeld

I don’t read ‚chick lit,‘ fantasy or science fiction but I’ll give any book a chance if it’s lying there and I’ve got half an hour to kill.

J. K. Rowling