obedience quotes


We should never let material things get ahead of God or become so important in our lives that we can’t walk away from them if He tells us to. Anything you own that has a hold on you is a problem.

Joyce Meyer

Man is made to adore and to obey: but if you will not command him, if you give him nothing to worship, he will fashion his own divinities, and find a chieftain in his own passions.

Benjamin Disraeli

Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves.

Henry David Thoreau

Obedience to God is the pathway to the life you really want to live.

Joyce Meyer

Sin, also for those who don’t have faith, exists when one goes against one’s conscience. To listen to and obey it means, in fact, to decide in face of what is perceived as good or evil. And on this decision pivots the goodness or malice of our action.

Pope Francis

Good men must not obey the laws too well.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

No man is above the law and no man is below it: nor do we ask any man’s permission when we ask him to obey it.

Theodore Roosevelt

It’s so easy to settle for less than God’s best for us because we don’t always feel like taking responsibility for our behavior or putting forth some effort to do what we need to do so we can accomplish great things for God and help people. But the cost of settling for less is actually harder than being completely obedient to God’s will.

Joyce Meyer

When you feel like it’s too hard to obey God, remember that He will never tell you to do something without giving you the grace, power and ability to do it.

Joyce Meyer

Everything God tells us to do is for our good. Whether it’s direction you get in His Word or something He’s specifically put in your heart for your situation in life, the absolute best thing you can ever do is obey Him promptly and completely.

Joyce Meyer

The Jesuits have a vow to obey the pope, but if the pope is a Jesuit, maybe he should have a vow to obey the superior general… I feel like I’m still a Jesuit in terms of my spirituality, what I have in my heart.

Pope Francis

If God can’t get you to obey Him concerning your money, he won’t get to anything else you got.

Joyce Meyer

I love being American, and I love family. I love having a family, and I feel so blessed, and I feel like God gave me exactly what I wanted, so now I have to do the right thing in God’s eyes also. Just follow what God wants me to do.

Kanye West

If you will do what God tells you to do, there’s no person on Earth and no devil in Hell that can keep you from having what God wants you to have.

Joyce Meyer

I’m gradually beginning to feel that we Chinese need to be controlled. If we’re not being controlled, we’ll just do what we want.

Jackie Chan

I know that I’ve been guided by God. I am obedient.

Maya Angelou

No man is much good unless he believes in God and obeys His laws.

Robert Baden-Powell

The reason why men do not obey us, is because they see the mud at the bottom of our eye.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

The last thing the devil wants you to do is be an obedient Christian.

Joyce Meyer

Obedience of the law is demanded; not asked as a favor.

Theodore Roosevelt

Reason commands us far more imperiously than a master; for in disobeying the one we are unfortunate, and in disobeying the other we are fools.

Blaise Pascal

Fidelity and allegiance sworn to the King is only such a fidelity and obedience as is due to him by the law of the land; for were that faith and allegiance more than what the law requires, we would swear ourselves slaves and the King absolute; whereas, by the law, we are free men, notwithstanding those oaths.

Isaac Newton

The truth is, if we don’t learn to submit to authority, we won’t ever learn to submit to God.

Joyce Meyer

My relationship to power and authority is that I’m all for it. People need somebody to watch over them. Ninety-five percent of the people in the world need to be told what to do and how to behave.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Chinese people need to be controlled; otherwise, they will do whatever they want.

Jackie Chan

One of the first duties of a Scout is obedience to authority. He must obey his orders in the first place and put his own amusement or desires in the second.

Robert Baden-Powell

I know My God commands, whose power no power resists.

Robert Greene

Every man who has at last succeeded, after long effort, in calling up the divinity which lies hidden in a woman’s heart, is startled to find that he must obey the God he summoned.

Henry Adams

Obedience brings success; exact obedience brings miracles.

Russell M. Nelson

Any dictator would admire the uniformity and obedience of the U.S. media.

Noam Chomsky

Never give an order that can’t be obeyed.

Douglas MacArthur

Force does not constitute right… obedience is due only to legitimate powers.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Lord sanctify us. Oh! That Thy spirit might come and saturate every faculty, subdue every passion, and use every power of our nature for obedience to God.

Charles Spurgeon

A dogmatic belief in objective value is necessary to the very idea of a rule which is not tyranny or an obedience which is not slavery.

C. S. Lewis

We must all obey the great law of change. It is the most powerful law of nature.

Edmund Burke

If one accepts the terms of the covenant and obeys God’s law, he or she receives the blessings associated with the covenant.

Russell M. Nelson

Strength was the virtue of paganism; obedience is the virtue of Christianity.

David Hare

There are hunters, and there are victims. By your discipline, cunning, obedience, and alertness, you will decide if you are a hunter or a victim.

Jim Mattis

I think that is a better thing than thanksgiving: thanks-living. How is this to be done? By a general cheerfulness of manner, by an obedience to the command of Him by whose mercy we live, by a perpetual, constant delighting of ourselves in the Lord, and by a submission of our desires to His will.

Charles Spurgeon

International affairs is very much run like the mafia. The godfather does not accept disobedience, even from a small storekeeper who doesn’t pay his protection money. You have to have obedience; otherwise, the idea can spread that you don’t have to listen to the orders, and it can spread to important places.

Noam Chomsky

He who wishes to be obeyed must know how to command.

Niccolo Machiavelli

Since God had commanded it, it was necessary that I do it. Since God commanded it, even if I had a hundred fathers and mothers, even if I had been a King’s daughter, I would have gone nevertheless.

Joan of Arc

If you obey all the rules you miss all the fun.

Katharine Hepburn

I desire to press forward for direction to my Master in all things; but as to trusting to my own obedience and righteousness, I should be worse than a fool and ten times worse than a madman.

Charles Spurgeon

Woe to him that claims obedience when it is not due; woe to him that refuses it when it is.

Thomas Carlyle

Men are so simple and so much inclined to obey immediate needs that a deceiver will never lack victims for his deceptions.

Niccolo Machiavelli

Better than worshiping gods is obedience to the laws of righteousness.


Laws too gentle are seldom obeyed; too severe, seldom executed.

Benjamin Franklin

I am called a dog because I fawn on those who give me anything, I yelp at those who refuse, and I set my teeth in rascals.


Rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God.

Benjamin Franklin