mindfulness practice quotes


There are so many emotions that you’re feeling, you can get stifled by them if you’re feeling them all at once. What I try to do is take one moment – one simple, simple feeling – and expand it into three-and-a-half minutes.

Taylor Swift

The willingness and ability to live fully in the now eludes many people. While eating your appetizer, don’t be concerned with dessert.

Wayne Dyer

When you get into your car, shut the door and be there for just half a minute. Breathe, feel the energy inside your body, look around at the sky, the trees. The mind might tell you, ‚I don’t have time.‘ But that’s the mind talking to you. Even the busiest person has time for 30 seconds of space.

Eckhart Tolle

Your entire life only happens in this moment. The present moment is life itself. Yet, people live as if the opposite were true and treat the present moment as a stepping stone to the next moment – a means to an end.

Eckhart Tolle

I’m grateful for always this moment, the now, no matter what form it takes.

Eckhart Tolle

Most humans are never fully present in the now, because unconsciously they believe that the next moment must be more important than this one. But then you miss your whole life, which is never not now.

Eckhart Tolle

People don’t realize that now is all there ever is; there is no past or future except as memory or anticipation in your mind.

Eckhart Tolle

If you are not living this moment, you are not really living.

Eckhart Tolle

Usually, people have a tendency to be caught in the worries concerning the future or in the regret concerning the past. There is some kind of energy that is pushing them to run, and they are not able to establish themselves in the present moment.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Meditation is not following any system; it is not constant repetition and imitation. Meditation is not concentration.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


If you have the insight of non-self, if you have the insight of impermanence, you should make that insight into a concentration that you keep alive throughout the day. Then what you say, what you think, and what you do will then be in the light of that wisdom and you will avoid making mistakes and creating suffering.

Thich Nhat Hanh

If we examine our thoughts, we shall find them always occupied with the past and the future.

Blaise Pascal

Pick the day. Enjoy it – to the hilt. The day as it comes. People as they come… The past, I think, has helped me appreciate the present – and I don’t want to spoil any of it by fretting about the future.

Audrey Hepburn

Unless one is able to live fully in the present, the future is a hoax.

Alan Watts

Meditation is a state of mind which looks at everything with complete attention, totally, not just parts of it. And no one can teach you how to be attentive. If any system teaches you how to be attentive, then you are attentive to the system, and that is not attention.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Is it not important to find out how to listen not only to what is being said but to everything – to the noise in the streets, to the chatter of birds, to the noise of the tramcar, to the restless sea, to the voice of your husband, to your wife, to your friends, to the cry of a baby?

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Do every act of your life as if it were your last.

Marcus Aurelius

Confine yourself to the present.

Marcus Aurelius

At one point I learned transcendental meditation. This was 30-something years ago. It took me back to the way that I naturally was as a child growing up way in the country, rarely seeing people. I was in that state of oneness with creation and it was as if I didn’t exist except as a part of everything.

Alice Walker