legal issues quotes


I’m a felon. I get pulled over all the time.

Kevin Gates

I was arrested for lip-syncing karaoke.

Steven Wright

I think those who have a terminal illness and are in great pain should have the right to choose to end their own life, and those that help them should be free from prosecution.

Stephen Hawking

I was arrested three times and tortured once.

Paulo Coelho

You have no ability, if you’re a financial institution and you’re threatened with criminal prosecution, you have no ability to negotiate.

Warren Buffett

You would have a huge statelessness problem if you don’t consider a child born abroad a U.S. citizen.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

There is never a shortage anywhere of lawyers eager to attack the First Amendment, as though it were nothing more than a clause in a lease from a crooked slumlord.

Kurt Vonnegut