language learning quotes


I am most familiar with the Gujarati language.

Narendra Modi

I admire people who dare to take the language, English, and understand it and understand the melody.

Maya Angelou

Speaking English is like tongue-twist for me. I can speak each word perfect, but then you have to string them together like, ‚Blah, blah, blah.‘ That’s when I get crazy.

Jackie Chan

I don’t speak Spanish, I speak a little of Italian but no Spanish.

Karl Lagerfeld

I’m all self-taught. I never had a teacher. Even for English, and French, and German, I hardly went to school.

Karl Lagerfeld

I went by myself to Hollywood, I spoke no English, every day I had to go to school.

Jackie Chan

Sometimes I don’t use the words ‚will‘ and ‚want‘ in the right way. The German word ‚will‘ is the English word ‚want,‘ so that’s a little bit of the problem.

Jurgen Klopp

I never had to learn English, French and German because I was brought up as all three languages. I had a private French teacher before I even went to school. That helped a lot.

Karl Lagerfeld

I think I should learn French and be a better cook – basic, really good life stuff.

Angelina Jolie

All the kids are learning different languages. I asked them what languages they wanted to learn, and Shi is learning Khmai, which is a Cambodian language; Pax is focusing on Vietnamese, Mad has taken to German and Russian, Z is speaking French, Vivienne really wanted to learn Arabic, and Knox is learning sign language.

Angelina Jolie

It is too late to be studying Hebrew; it is more important to understand even the slang of today.

Henry David Thoreau

Every time I have to look up a word in the dictionary, I’m delighted.

Vivienne Westwood

French is the language that turns dirt into romance.

Stephen King

How do I speak Spanish? Not too well.

Adam Sandler