judgment quotes


Don’t judge other people. For example, if you want God’s anointing to be on you for parenting, you need to be careful not to criticize other parents.

Joyce Meyer

I resent the implication that I’m less of a musician and a worse person for not appreciating certain works.

David Byrne

If I am judged for my work, many myths about me as an autocrat or otherwise would become clearer. I feel false propaganda will not last, and truth will ultimately prevail.

Narendra Modi

Regardless of what society says, we can’t go on much longer in the sea of immorality without judgment coming.

Billy Graham

I’m not the judge. You know, God didn’t tell me to go around judging everybody.

Joel Osteen

If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 60 years ago, a liberal 30 years ago and a racist today.

Thomas Sowell

Extremely religious, legalistic people have a criticism or judgment about everyone and everything. They just have a way of bringing people down with what they say.

Joyce Meyer

You’re president, if you conclude my judgment is not the right judgment, I abide by that, but I want an opportunity to have an input.

Joe Biden

We need someone with superb judgement in their own right because, yes, a president can hire the best advisors on Earth, but I guarantee you this: Five advisors will give five different opinions. And it is the president – and the president alone – who always makes the final call.

Michelle Obama

Saints should always be judged guilty until they are proved innocent.

George Orwell

It’s easy to become very self-critical when you’re an actor. Then you get critiqued by the critics. Whether you agree with them or not, people are passing judgment on you.

Keanu Reeves

Instead of judging people, we need to pray.

Joyce Meyer

We’re all caught up in circumstances, and we’re all good and evil. When you’re really hungry, for instance, you’ll do anything to survive. I think the most evil thing – well, maybe that’s too strong – but certainly a very evil thing is judgment, the sin of ignorance.

Anthony Hopkins

People take the little bit of information they’re fed, and they draw a picture of who you are. Most of the time, it’s wrong.


I’ll be judged on the body of work and not the popularity of any one decision.

Kamala Harris

Nothing is beautiful, only man: on this piece of naivete rests all aesthetics, it is the first truth of aesthetics. Let us immediately add its second: nothing is ugly but degenerate man – the domain of aesthetic judgment is therewith defined.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Regarding life, the wisest men of all ages have judged alike: it is worthless.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Experts often possess more data than judgment.

Colin Powell

When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.

Wayne Dyer

Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.

Will Rogers

I’m going to let God be the judge of who goes to heaven and hell.

Joel Osteen

Undeserved praise causes more pangs of conscience later than undeserved blame, but probably only for this reason, that our power of judgment are more completely exposed by being over praised than by being unjustly underestimated.

Friedrich Nietzsche

I try to teach through my opinions, through my speeches, how wrong it is to judge people on the basis of what they look like, color of their skin, whether they’re men or women.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

The idea is to try to give all the information to help others to judge the value of your contribution; not just the information that leads to judgment in one particular direction or another.

Richard P. Feynman

It is not until you become a mother that your judgment slowly turns to compassion and understanding.

Erma Bombeck

Although the most acute judges of the witches and even the witches themselves, were convinced of the guilt of witchery, the guilt nevertheless was non-existent. It is thus with all guilt.

Friedrich Nietzsche

When you are spiritually connected, you are not looking for occasions to be offended, and you are not judging and labeling others. You are in a state of grace in which you know you are connected to God and thus free from the effects of anyone or anything external to yourself.

Wayne Dyer

Experience does not err. Only your judgments err by expecting from her what is not in her power.

Leonardo da Vinci

A hallucination is a fact, not an error; what is erroneous is a judgment based upon it.

Bertrand Russell

We have a tendency to condemn people who are different from us, to define their sins as paramount and our own sinfulness as being insignificant.

Jimmy Carter

It amazes me sometimes that even intelligent people will analyze a situation or make a judgement after only recognizing the standard or traditional structure of a piece.

David Bowie

A true artist is expected to be all that is noble-minded, and this is not altogether a mistake; on the other hand, however, in what a mean way are critics allowed to pounce upon us.

Ludwig van Beethoven

People tend to dwell more on negative things than on good things. So the mind then becomes obsessed with negative things, with judgments, guilt and anxiety produced by thoughts about the future and so on.

Eckhart Tolle

The roaring thunder of the law and the fear of the terror of judgment are both used to bring us to Christ, but the final victory culminating in our salvation is won through God’s loving-kindness.

Charles Spurgeon

There are some people who need to wear a label round their necks to show that they are Christians at all, or else we might mistake them for sinners, their actions are so like those of the ungodly.

Charles Spurgeon

Your representative owes you, not his industry only, but his judgment; and he betrays instead of serving you if he sacrifices it to your opinion.

Edmund Burke

Ezra was right half the time, and when he was wrong, he was so wrong you were never in any doubt about it.

Ernest Hemingway

For all right judgment of any man or things it is useful, nay, essential, to see his good qualities before pronouncing on his bad.

Thomas Carlyle

Every man prefers belief to the exercise of judgment.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

If you would judge, understand.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

One’s past is what one is. It is the only way by which people should be judged.

Oscar Wilde

I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

I’m interested in that drive, that rush to judgment, that is so prevalent in our society. We all know that pleasurable rush that comes from condemning, and in the short term it’s quite a satisfying thing to do, isn’t it?

J. K. Rowling

You say that you are my judge; I do not know if you are; but take good heed not to judge me ill, because you would put yourself in great peril.

Joan of Arc

I am not a self-help writer. I am a self-problem writer. When people read my books, I provoke some things. I cannot justify my work. I do my work; it is up to them to classify it, to judge.

Paulo Coelho

If my critics saw me walking over the Thames they would say it was because I couldn’t swim.

Margaret Thatcher

A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.

John F. Kennedy

If you judge, investigate.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

We judge people in areas where we’re vulnerable to shame, especially picking folks who are doing worse than we’re doing.

Brene Brown

The voice of the people has been said to be the voice of God; and, however generally this maxim has been quoted and believed, it is not true to fact. The people are turbulent and changing, they seldom judge or determine right.

Alexander Hamilton

You can tell more about a person by what he says about others than you can by what others say about him.

Audrey Hepburn

The intention and outcome of vulnerability is trust, intimacy and connection. The outcome of oversharing is distrust, disconnection – and usually a little judgment.

Brene Brown

To find out your real opinion of someone, judge the impression you have when you first see a letter from them.

Arthur Schopenhauer

I like America, just as everybody else does. I love America, I gotta say that. But America will be judged.

Bob Dylan

Anyone who has declared someone else to be an idiot, a bad apple, is annoyed when it turns out in the end that he isn’t.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Consult your friend on all things, especially on those which respect yourself. His counsel may then be useful where your own self-love might impair your judgment.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

No accurate thinker will judge another person by that which the other person’s enemies say about him.

Napoleon Hill

If a man is proud of his wealth, he should not be praised until it is known how he employs it.


It is not by muscle, speed, or physical dexterity that great things are achieved, but by reflection, force of character, and judgment.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

Ironically, parenting is a shame and judgment minefield precisely because most of us are wading through uncertainty and self-doubt when it comes to raising our children.

Brene Brown