homecoming quotes


Going home helps the content.

The Weeknd

I still close my eyes and go home – I can always draw from that.

Dolly Parton

Maria is the best reason to come home.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

They used to call me ‚Touchdown T.‘ I remember in high school, we had homecoming, and I got in front of the pep rally, and I told them, ‚I’m going to run for three touchdowns.‘ I ran for three touchdowns, kicked the extra point, and took myself out the game.

Mr. T

When I am abroad, I always make it a rule never to criticize or attack the government of my own country. I make up for lost time when I come home.

Winston Churchill

For whatever trauma came with service in tough circumstances, we should take what we learned – take our post-traumatic growth – and, like past generations coming home, bring our sharpened strengths to bear, bring our attitude of gratitude to bear.

Jim Mattis

The first thing I look forward to when I am in Delhi is to spend some time with my family. It’s always lovely coming back here and playing in front of my own people. It’s just a special place.

Virat Kohli

Shall I, that have destroyed my Preservers, return home?

Alexander the Great