healthy living quotes


To bring a healthy child into this world, raise them right and watch them grow is the biggest miracle there is.

Matthew McConaughey

It was easy being healthy when I was young. I was full of energy, so sports and physical challenges were fun. But as I got older and the spring left my step, exercise became harder, and eating, drinking and watching TV became easier. By the time I was 50, I’d put on 50 pounds.

Robert Kiyosaki

Let me ask you a question: If you never ate a balanced diet, what would happen to your body? You know the answer: Eventually you’d grow weak; you might even open yourself to serious illness or disease. We all need a balanced diet if we are to stay healthy.

Billy Graham

It is as healthy to enjoy sentiment as to enjoy jam.

Gilbert K. Chesterton

Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.

Winston Churchill

The first thing I do when I get up, I have breakfast.

Karl Lagerfeld

The first wealth is health.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

I want to lose weight because I want to be focused, meaning healthy.

DJ Khaled

I do the same exercises I did 50 years ago and they still work. I eat the same food I ate 50 years ago and it still works.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Before I became a writer, I was running a jazz bar in the center of Tokyo, which means that I worked in filthy air all the time late into the night. I was very excited when I started making a living out of my writing, and I decided, ‚I will live in nothing but an absolutely healthy way.‘

Haruki Murakami

Vanity is the healthiest thing in life.

Karl Lagerfeld

When I inspire myself, I want to spread the word because its important to be healthy. I don’t think they’re teaching us enough about that. I think we should eat better and exercise. Look who’s saying that – a guy who was 300 pounds – but I’m doing a lot better than I used to. I’m letting people know its important because it makes you feel better.

DJ Khaled

The healthy man does not torture others – generally it is the tortured who turn into torturers.

Carl Jung

Look at our society. Everyone wants to be thin, but nobody wants to diet. Everyone wants to live long, but few will exercise. Everybody wants money, yet seldom will anyone budget or control their spending.

John C. Maxwell

I drink a lot of coconut water. It balances out all the other toxic stuff I put into my body.


We never repent of having eaten too little.

Thomas Jefferson

Attention to health is life’s greatest hindrance.


I’m frugal. I’m not a very acquisitive woman. I never waste food. If you prepare your own food, you engage with the world, it tastes alive. It tastes good.

Vivienne Westwood

Shrinking away from death is something unhealthy and abnormal which robs the second half of life of its purpose.

Carl Jung