freedom quotes


The magic of America is that we’re a free and open society with a mixed population. Part of our security is our freedom.

Madeleine Albright

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.

John F. Kennedy

Yes, across Europe, this wall will fall. For it cannot withstand faith; it cannot withstand truth. The wall cannot withstand freedom.

Ronald Reagan

Young people these days don’t trust anything at all. They want to be free.

Haruki Murakami

Nothing has been purchased more dearly than the little bit of reason and sense of freedom which now constitutes our pride.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Facts, like people, want to be free – and when they’re free, liberty is usually around the corner.


Innovation can only occur where you can breathe free.

Joe Biden

Free people, remember this maxim: we may acquire liberty, but it is never recovered if it is once lost.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

I was a little girl in World War II and I’m used to being freed by Americans.

Madeleine Albright

The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission.

John F. Kennedy

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

To enjoy freedom we have to control ourselves.

Virginia Woolf

All respect for the office of the presidency aside, I assumed that the obvious and unadulterated decline of freedom and constitutional sovereignty, not to mention the efforts to curb the power of judicial review, spoke for itself.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Let freedom reign. The sun never set on so glorious a human achievement.

Nelson Mandela

The fifth freedom is freedom from ignorance.

Lyndon B. Johnson

It is better for you to be free of fear lying upon a pallet, than to have a golden couch and a rich table and be full of trouble.


The English think they are free. They are free only during the election of members of parliament.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

I’m not one icon. I’m every icon. I’m an icon that is made out of all the colors on the palette at every time. I have no restrictions. No restrictions.

Lady Gaga

You have freedom when you’re easy in your harness.

Robert Frost

Advocates of capitalism are very apt to appeal to the sacred principles of liberty, which are embodied in one maxim: The fortunate must not be restrained in the exercise of tyranny over the unfortunate.

Bertrand Russell

Life without liberty is like a body without spirit.

Khalil Gibran

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.

Ronald Reagan

I believe we are on an irreversible trend toward more freedom and democracy – but that could change.

Dan Quayle

Man, so long as he remains free, has no more constant and agonizing anxiety than find as quickly as possible someone to worship.

Fyodor Dostoevsky

If you want total security, go to prison. There you’re fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking… is freedom.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

There is no such thing as part freedom.

Nelson Mandela

Mandela’s heroism is the heroism of a man who suffered so badly for what he thought of as freedom. And yet when he had the upper hand he has this incredible self-control and these incredible leadership qualities.


For me, it’s about becoming a mogul, owning my own projects, and establishing myself as a funding producer. That’s what’s big to me. The movies and all that stuff are great, but the fact that I’m in a position to do what I want to do, however I want to do it and when I want to do it is bigger.

Kevin Hart

Men freely believe that which they desire.

Julius Caesar

I will not leave South Africa, nor will I surrender. Only through hardship, sacrifice and militant action can freedom be won. The struggle is my life. I will continue fighting for freedom until the end of my days.

Nelson Mandela

Yesterday we obeyed kings and bent our necks before emperors. But today we kneel only to truth, follow only beauty, and obey only love.

Khalil Gibran

I find only freedom in the realms of eccentricity.

David Bowie

The best way to enhance freedom in other lands is to demonstrate here that our democratic system is worthy of emulation.

Jimmy Carter

Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don’t attack each other. Free nations don’t develop weapons of mass destruction.

George W. Bush

When you are spiritually connected, you are not looking for occasions to be offended, and you are not judging and labeling others. You are in a state of grace in which you know you are connected to God and thus free from the effects of anyone or anything external to yourself.

Wayne Dyer

You don’t have to turn on the TV set. You don’t have to work on the Internet. It’s up to you.

Ray Bradbury

Freedom is the open window through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit and human dignity.

Herbert Hoover

Allow children to be happy in their own way, for what better way will they find?

Samuel Johnson

If physical death is the price that I must pay to free my white brothers and sisters from a permanent death of the spirit, then nothing can be more redemptive.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

The wise use of your freedom to make your own decisions is crucial to your spiritual growth, now and for eternity.

Russell M. Nelson

I thought how unpleasant it is to be locked out; and I thought how it is worse, perhaps, to be locked in.

Virginia Woolf

For all who love freedom and peace, the world without Saddam Hussein’s regime is a better and safer place.

George W. Bush

True liberal government is founded on the emancipation of men.

Herbert Hoover

Ladies and gentlemen, god bless America – land of the free, home of the brave.

Dave Grohl

If it’s illegal to rock and roll, throw my ass in jail!

Kurt Cobain

There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach the mountaintop of our desires.

Nelson Mandela

The success I have achieved in bodybuilding, motion pictures, and business would not have been possible without the generosity of the American people and the freedom here to pursue your dreams.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Freedom is absolutely necessary for the progress in science and the liberal arts.

Baruch Spinoza

Every country must be absolutely free to adopt the type of economic, political and social system that it considers convenient.

Fidel Castro

Punk is musical freedom. It’s saying, doing and playing what you want. In Webster’s terms, ‚nirvana‘ means freedom from pain, suffering and the external world, and that’s pretty close to my definition of Punk Rock.

Kurt Cobain

We are not actually equal – humanity – if we are not allowed to freely love one another.

Lady Gaga

We can’t equate democracy with Christianity because the largest democracy on earth is India, which is primarily Hindu. The third largest democracy is Indonesia, which is Islamic. Democracy and freedom are not dependent on Christian beliefs.

Jimmy Carter

Freedom means you are unobstructed in living your life as you choose. Anything less is a form of slavery.

Wayne Dyer

After one has been in prison, it is the small things that one appreciates: being able to take a walk whenever one wants, going into a shop and buying a newspaper, speaking or choosing to remain silent. The simple act of being able to control one’s person.

Nelson Mandela

I think women want freedom. They want to be empowered. They want hope. They want love; they want all the things that I want, and I’m not afraid to say those things and act on them, and I think that’s why they identify with me.


Genius is always allowed some leeway, once the hammer has been pried from its hands and the blood has been cleaned up.

Terry Pratchett

No man will be a sailor who has contrivance enough to get himself into a jail; for being in a ship is being in a jail, with the chance of being drowned… a man in a jail has more room, better food, and commonly better company.

Samuel Johnson

Within the soul of America is freedom of mind and spirit in man. Here alone are the open windows through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit. Here alone is human dignity not a dream but an accomplishment. Perhaps it is not perfect, but it is more full in realization here than any other place in the world.

Herbert Hoover

The desire of gold is not for gold. It is for the means of freedom and benefit.

Ralph Waldo Emerson