focus quotes


If you look at anyone who has achieved great success and wealth, people like Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey, or Lance Armstrong, they have all focused intensely in order to win.

Robert Kiyosaki

When I get on a roll with something, it’s really hard for me to put it down unfinished.

Taylor Swift

I laugh and joke, but I don’t get distracted very easily.

LeBron James

I am in the fighting game. I don’t care about anything else. I don’t watch the news, I don’t care about politics, I don’t care about other sports. I don’t care about anything I don’t need to care about. This is my sport: it is my life. I study it; I think about it all the time. Nothing else matters.

Conor McGregor

Effective philanthropy requires a lot of time and creativity – the same kind of focus and skills that building a business requires.

Bill Gates

Never look back unless you are planning to go that way.

Henry David Thoreau

There are so many emotions that you’re feeling, you can get stifled by them if you’re feeling them all at once. What I try to do is take one moment – one simple, simple feeling – and expand it into three-and-a-half minutes.

Taylor Swift

In my studio, it is unkempt and unattractive. Once I’m in my work, I don’t notice where I am.

Paul Auster

I am results-oriented.

Bill Gates

Steve Jobs‘ ability to focus in on a few things that count, get people who get user interface right, and market things as revolutionary are amazing things.

Bill Gates

If I want to do well in racing I need to be more focused so I stopped going to school. If I wasn’t a very good driver it would not be a wise decision, but it gives me an advantage over my competitors.

Lando Norris

The mixed martial arts way of life will give you focus.

Conor McGregor

Sometimes, I think if you get away from what you’re called to do, it’s more of a distraction.

Joel Osteen

When I write, I tend to twist my hair. Something for my small mind to do, I guess.

Maya Angelou

The perplexity of life arises from there being too many interesting things in it for us to be interested properly in any of them.

Gilbert K. Chesterton

I don’t think about the end game. I’ve got lots to occupy my mind. It’s the rage that keeps me going.

Terry Pratchett

I tend not to really think about what other people say. I’d rather just try and focus on what I’m doing, try and win basically.

Lando Norris

For victory in life, we’ve got to keep focused on the goal, and the goal is Heaven.

Lou Holtz

You can fool some of the people all the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on.

George W. Bush

The simple act of paying attention can take you a long way.

Keanu Reeves

Computers make me totally blank out.

Dalai Lama

Some people focus more on sonics. Some people focus more on story. I focus on both sonics and story.

Frank Ocean

I’m sure that at no point in my life could I ever have shown the kind of focus and discipline and commitment necessary to work a station at elBulli or Le Bernardin. No. That ain’t me.

Anthony Bourdain

I’m a person of whim, and easily distracted. I don’t like multitasking. When I’m doing one thing, I like to do just that thing.

Margaret Atwood

The willingness and ability to live fully in the now eludes many people. While eating your appetizer, don’t be concerned with dessert.

Wayne Dyer

Do what nobody else can do for you. Omit to do anything else.

Henry David Thoreau

Sometimes in the past when I played something might make me lose focus, or I would go home after a game where I thought I could have played better and I would let it hang over my head for a long time when it shouldn’t.

LeBron James

When you go on your Twitter or look down your Timeline and it’s all great positivity – I love that. But at the same time, it can really divert you from what your purpose is or what you’re trying to do. And I’ve seen artists get caught up in that.

Kendrick Lamar

My focus is my art, and that’s what I love to do. I have to be really passionate in order to do something. I’ve turned down many things that I just didn’t believe in.

Beyonce Knowles

If I could, I would not do anything else. I’d just be in the studio for my whole life. I would never go to parties, events, and red carpets. I would rather just be in the studio for the whole time. I don’t even care. Nobody has to know what I look like. I just want to make music.

Ariana Grande

Concentration is one of the happiest things in my life.

Haruki Murakami

I’m never on Twitter. I’m never on Instagram. And that’s not by choice: it’s just that those things never really interested me. I might post a picture here and there, but that ain’t really been my focus.

Kevin Gates

The Internet is a big distraction.

Ray Bradbury

Competition gives me energy. It keeps me focused.

Conor McGregor

I was trying to daydream, but my mind kept wandering.

Steven Wright

When I prepare, I am not messing around. I find the right places, the right people, and the right environment. Iceland is one of those places.

Conor McGregor

The music we do is for people to enjoy, dance and sing to it. Dreamers – keep on dreaming and keep working hard to achieve your goals. There are many difficulties, but what matters is to stay focused and have perseverance.

Bad Bunny

Meditation is difficult for many people because their thoughts are always on some distant object or place. One form of meditation is to label the thought as it appears and then choose to let it go.

Wayne Dyer

Entrepreneurs are natural problem-solvers, which means that we always have ideas for new businesses popping into our heads. Having a lot of options is great, but sometimes it can be hard to focus on one when you are keen to move onto the next.

Richard Branson

When I write, the story is always uppermost in my mind, and I feel that everything must be sacrificed to it. All elegant passages, all the curious details, all the so-called beautiful writing – if they are not truly relevant to what I am trying to say, then they have to go.

Paul Auster

A lot of people are focused on taking over the world or doing the biggest thing and getting the most users. I think part of making a difference and doing something cool is focusing intensely.

Mark Zuckerberg

The album requires a certain focus of mine that I can’t really explain – let’s just say it’s all I can really do while I’m doing it.


I know Elon, we’re very like minded in many ways. We’re not conceptual twins. One thing I want us to do is go to Mars, but for me it’s one thing. He’s singularly focused on that. I think motivation wise, for me I don’t find that Plan B idea motivating. I don’t want a plan B for Earth, I want Plan B to make sure Plan A works.

Jeff Bezos

How about a little noise. How do you expect a man to putt?

Babe Ruth

When there’s so much left to do, why spend your time focusing on things you’ve already done, counting trophies or telling stories about the good old days?

Dave Grohl

When I’m really interested in something, I get superfocused on that. And I can spend hours upon hours not getting tired of reading about it and still be interested to learn more about it.

Greta Thunberg

90 percent of my time is spent on 10 percent of the world.

Colin Powell

Writing is challenging work because it’s so easy to get consumed with how it’s going, what’s going to happen to it, who’s going to like or not like it. You want to get all of that stuff out of your head and just let the work flow.

Wayne Dyer

It is very difficult to get people to focus on the most important things when you’re in boom times.

Jeff Bezos

Never neglect details. When everyone’s mind is dulled or distracted the leader must be doubly vigilant.

Colin Powell

If a subject excites us, if it stirs our deepest curiosity, or if we have to learn because the stakes are high, we pay much more attention. What we absorb sinks in.

Robert Greene

A man is what he thinks about all day long.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you cannot concentrate, you are not so happy.

Haruki Murakami

A lot of people from my generation of music are so focused on playing things correctly or to perfection that they’re stuck in that safe place.

Dave Grohl

My dear brothers and sisters, the joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.

Russell M. Nelson

I’m just looking to learn, grow, stay focused, and become a better fighter and a better athlete.

Conor McGregor

To me, business isn’t about wearing suits or pleasing stockholders. It’s about being true to yourself, your ideas and focusing on the essentials.

Richard Branson

I want to lose weight because I want to be focused, meaning healthy.

DJ Khaled

There are different ways to do innovation. You can plant a lot of seeds, not be committed to any particular one of them, but just see what grows. And this really isn’t how we’ve approached this. We go mission-first, then focus on the pieces we need and go deep on them and be committed to them.

Mark Zuckerberg

Our focus needs to be less on what our legacy’s going to be or how we can control each other and more how we can give to each other.

Kanye West