fear of death quotes


I did used to have nightmares about the idea that when I die, there is a spark of consciousness which basically creates the world. ‚Is the world going to disappear if this spark of consciousness disappears? And how do I know it won’t? How do I know there’s anything there except what I’m conscious of?‘

Noam Chomsky

The fear of death often proves mortal, and sets people on methods to save their Lives, which infallibly destroy them.

Joseph Addison

Fear of death increases in exact proportion to increase in wealth.

Ernest Hemingway

Fear of death makes us devoid both of valour and religion. For want of valour is want of religious faith.

Mahatma Gandhi

The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.

Mark Twain

I do not believe that any man fears to be dead, but only the stroke of death.

Francis Bacon