experiences quotes


Intelligent people should learn from their experiences. With people on the street, the bad experience has beaten them.

Robert Kiyosaki

My life has been very full.

Dolly Parton

College isn’t in everyone’s hearts. I am living proof, though, that school doesn’t mess up your plans. It gives you more experiences to write about.

J. Cole

The mind of a 19-year-old is very different from the mind of a 26-year-old. You grow. You get into better relationships. You experience more, meet more people, better people. But when you’re in a dark hole at an earlier point in your life – you write about the mindset you’re in at that moment.

The Weeknd

One of the things that we’re trying to do with Creative Labs and all our experiences is explore things that aren’t all tied to Facebook identity. Some things will be, but not everything will have to be, because there are some sets of experiences that are just better with other identities.

Mark Zuckerberg

You learn a lot from traveling around.


I’ve made money, and I’ve been ripped off. I’ve had creative freedom, and I’ve been pressured to make hits. I have dealt with diva behavior from crazy musicians, and I have seen genius records by wonderful artists get completely ignored. I love music. I always will.

David Byrne

As a writer, as a creator, I’m giving you my experiences. But just take what I give you. You ain’t got to pry beyond that.

Frank Ocean

Like all great travellers, I have seen more than I remember, and remember more than I have seen.

Benjamin Disraeli

I’ve been careful in love. I’ve been careless in love. And I’ve had adventures I wouldn’t trade for anything.

Taylor Swift

I’ve experienced great things, I’ve experienced great tragedies. I’ve done almost everything I could possibly ever imagine doing, but I just know that there’s more.

Dave Grohl

Life is just one damned thing after another.

Elbert Hubbard

Character is determined more by the lack of certain experiences than by those one has had.

Friedrich Nietzsche

I have dined with kings, I’ve been offered wings. And I’ve never been too impressed.

Bob Dylan

I spent more time on dark ships in danger zones than any other woman in the world.

Elizabeth Kenny

Our moments of inspiration are not lost though we have no particular poem to show for them; for those experiences have left an indelible impression, and we are ever and anon reminded of them.

Henry David Thoreau

I don’t really read a lot of newspapers. I don’t pay attention to what is being said or written about me. I’ve had lots of experiences in the past when I got too much into it. That sort of diverts your focus.

Virat Kohli

I have such incredible experiences in my life.


My childhood did not prepare me for the fact that the world is full of cruel and bitter things.

J. Robert Oppenheimer

SEALs are human beings. We may all have the same haircuts, but we aren’t robots. Some SEALs are great people. Some are not great people. Some have done unspeakably terrible things. You’re dealing with different people, different dreams, different desires.

Jocko Willink

I have lived and slept in the same bed with English countesses and Prussian farm women… no woman has excited passions among women more than I have.

Florence Nightingale

My days, my years, my life has seen up and downs, lights and darknesses. If I wrote only and continually of the ‚light‘ and never mentioned the other, then as an artist, I would be a liar.

Charles Bukowski

By reading, you learn through others‘ experiences, generally, a better way to do business, especially in our line of work where the consequences of incompetence are so final for young men.

Jim Mattis

When we go out to the country and just sit there, what we’re really doing is just switching off various kinds of alertness that we don’t have to use. When we do that, we are stopping being defensive. We are no longer shutting ourselves off from different types of experiences, we are welcoming them in.

Brian Eno

Nevertheless, whether in occurrences lasting days, hours or mere minutes at a time, I have experienced happiness often, and have had brief encounters with it in my later years, even in old age.

Hermann Hesse

Life is made of ever so many partings welded together.

Charles Dickens

Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That’s because they were able to connect experiences they’ve had and synthesize new things.

Steve Jobs

A lot of people in our industry haven’t had very diverse experiences. So they don’t have enough dots to connect, and they end up with very linear solutions without a broad perspective on the problem. The broader one’s understanding of the human experience, the better design we will have.

Steve Jobs

But I think there are a set of experiences that turn a potential writer into a working writer, and then there are places in your life were you start to recognize what you want to do.

Stephen King

Fame is fickle, and I know it. It has its compensations but it also has its drawbacks, and I’ve experienced them both.

Marilyn Monroe