evil quotes


There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.

Henry David Thoreau

Although God loves us unconditionally, He does get angry at sin, wickedness and evil. But He is not an angry God. God hates sin, but He loves sinners! He will never approve of sin in your life, but He always loves you and wants to work with you to make progress in living a holy life in Christ.

Joyce Meyer

Where there is no opposition to evil, it multiplies.

Joyce Meyer

It is best to avoid the beginnings of evil.

Henry David Thoreau

As we are, so we associate. The good, by affinity, seek the good; the vile, by affinity, the vile. Thus of their own volition, souls proceed into Heaven, into Hell.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Good is positive. Evil is merely privative, not absolute: it is like cold, which is the privation of heat. All evil is so much death or nonentity. Benevolence is absolute and real. So much benevolence as a man hath, so much life hath he.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

There are two great forces, God’s force of good and the devil’s force of evil, and I believe Satan is alive and he is working, and he is working harder than ever, and we have many mysteries that we don’t understand.

Billy Graham

The wave of evil washes all our institutions alike.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

I can’t explain 9/11, except the evil of man.

Billy Graham

Have we not come to such an impasse in the modern world that we must love our enemies – or else? The chain reaction of evil – hate begetting hate, wars producing more wars – must be broken, or else we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Evil is easy, and has infinite forms.

Blaise Pascal

You can’t have a rigid view that all new taxes are evil.

Bill Gates

Abortion isn’t a lesser evil, it’s a crime. Taking one life to save another, that’s what the Mafia does. It’s a crime. It’s an absolute evil.

Pope Francis

If God listened to the prayers of men, all men would quickly have perished: for they are forever praying for evil against one another.


As human beings we have the most extraordinary capacity for evil. We can perpetrate some of the most horrendous atrocities.

Desmond Tutu

Over the centuries, mankind has tried many ways of combating the forces of evil… prayer, fasting, good works and so on. Up until Doom, no one seemed to have thought about the double-barrel shotgun. Eat leaden death, demon.

Terry Pratchett

Each of us has a vision of good and of evil. We have to encourage people to move towards what they think is good… Everyone has his own idea of good and evil and must choose to follow the good and fight evil as he conceives them. That would be enough to make the world a better place.

Pope Francis

No evil dooms us hopelessly except the evil we love, and desire to continue in, and make no effort to escape from.

George Eliot

Oh yes, there’s lots of great food in America. But the fast food is about as destructive and evil as it gets. It celebrates a mentality of sloth, convenience, and a cheerful embrace of food we know is hurting us.

Anthony Bourdain

We’re all caught up in circumstances, and we’re all good and evil. When you’re really hungry, for instance, you’ll do anything to survive. I think the most evil thing – well, maybe that’s too strong – but certainly a very evil thing is judgment, the sin of ignorance.

Anthony Hopkins

It is the strange fate of man, that even in the greatest of evils the fear of the worst continues to haunt him.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Richard Nixon was an evil man – evil in a way that only those who believe in the physical reality of the Devil can understand it. He was utterly without ethics or morals or any bedrock sense of decency.

Hunter S. Thompson

I think that we all know what evil is. We have a sense of what’s evil, and certainly killing innocent people is evil. We’re less sure about what is good. There’s sort of good, good enough, could be better – but absolute good is a little harder to define.

Madeleine Albright

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.

Blaise Pascal

I have discovered that all human evil comes from this, man’s being unable to sit still in a room.

Blaise Pascal

The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones.

William Shakespeare

I’ve never doubted that apartheid – because it was of itself fundamentally, intrinsically evil – was going to bite the dust eventually.

Desmond Tutu

I feel that sin and evil are the negative part of you, and I think it’s like a battery: you’ve got to have the negative and the positive in order to be a complete person.

Dolly Parton

All the arguments which are brought to represent poverty as no evil show it evidently to be a great evil.

Samuel Johnson

War is evil, but it is often the lesser evil.

George Orwell

You may either win your peace or buy it: win it, by resistance to evil; buy it, by compromise with evil.

John Ruskin

Those who forget good and evil and seek only to know the facts are more likely to achieve good than those who view the world through the distorting medium of their own desires.

Bertrand Russell

I believe that all government is evil, and that trying to improve it is largely a waste of time.

H. L. Mencken

No man is justified in doing evil on the ground of expedience.

Theodore Roosevelt

Always there has been some terrible evil at home or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it.

Douglas MacArthur

Ignorance of all things is an evil neither terrible nor excessive, nor yet the greatest of all; but great cleverness and much learning, if they be accompanied by a bad training, are a much greater misfortune.


Non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good.

Mahatma Gandhi

Understanding does not cure evil, but it is a definite help, inasmuch as one can cope with a comprehensible darkness.

Carl Jung

The momentous thing in human life is the art of winning the soul to good or evil.

Francis Bacon

Entire ignorance is not so terrible or extreme an evil, and is far from being the greatest of all; too much cleverness and too much learning, accompanied with ill bringing-up, are far more fatal.


Knowledge becomes evil if the aim be not virtuous.


The worst evil of disregard for some law is that it destroys respect for all law.

Herbert Hoover

Shall I tell you what the real evil is? To cringe to the things that are called evils, to surrender to them our freedom, in defiance of which we ought to face any suffering.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

You may be educated abroad, you may be a great scientist, politician, but you always have a sneaking fear that if you don’t go to temples or do the ordinary things that you have been told to do, something evil might happen, so you conform. What happens to the mind that conforms? Investigate it, please.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

One that confounds good and evil is an enemy to good.

Edmund Burke

Foolish men imagine that because judgment for an evil thing is delayed, there is no justice; but only accident here below. Judgment for an evil thing is many times delayed some day or two, some century or two, but it is sure as life, it is sure as death.

Thomas Carlyle

Pessimist: One who, when he has the choice of two evils, chooses both.

Oscar Wilde

I do all the evil I can before I learn to shun it? Is it not enough to know the evil to shun it? If not, we should be sincere enough to admit that we love evil too well to give it up.

Mahatma Gandhi

He incurs a fearful amount of guilt who in the least promotes the aim of the Evil One by trampling upon a tender conscience in a child.

Charles Spurgeon

It is a man’s own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways.


Lack of money is the root of all evil.

George Bernard Shaw

No one knows whether death, which people fear to be the greatest evil, may not be the greatest good.


The mediation by the serpent was necessary. Evil can seduce man, but cannot become man.

Franz Kafka

To go to the world below, having a soul which is like a vessel full of injustice, is the last and worst of all the evils.


Evil is whatever distracts.

Franz Kafka

The only objects of practical reason are therefore those of good and evil. For by the former is meant an object necessarily desired according to a principle of reason; by the latter one necessarily shunned, also according to a principle of reason.

Immanuel Kant

There is poison in the fang of the serpent, in the mouth of the fly and in the sting of a scorpion; but the wicked man is saturated with it.


Even philosophers will praise war as ennobling mankind, forgetting the Greek who said: ‚War is bad in that it begets more evil than it kills.‘

Immanuel Kant

Sadly, of course, there is real evil in the world. You watch the news, and you see all of the people suffering and so much cruelty.

Angelina Jolie

Evil is the product of the ability of humans to make abstract that which is concrete.

Jean-Paul Sartre