English language quotes


Might, could, would – they are contemptible auxiliaries.

George Eliot

I admire people who dare to take the language, English, and understand it and understand the melody.

Maya Angelou

Though I do manage to mumble around in about seven or eight languages, English remains the most beautiful of languages. It will do anything.

Maya Angelou

I don’t do Shakespeare. I don’t talk in that kind of broken English.

Mr. T

Radio in England is nonexistent. It’s very bad English use of a media system, typically English use.

David Bowie

‚I am‘ is reportedly the shortest sentence in the English language. Could it be that ‚I do‘ is the longest sentence?

George Carlin

You hear doom and gloom about the Internet ruining young people’s command of English – that’s nonsense.

Margaret Atwood

In October 1920 I went to Leeds as Reader in English Language, with a free commission to develop the linguistic side of a large and growing School of English Studies, in which no regular provision had as yet been made for the linguistic specialist.

J. R. R. Tolkien

‚Good English‘ is whatever educated people talk; so that what is good in one place or time would not be so in another.

C. S. Lewis

English is necessary as at present original works of science are in English. I believe that in two decades times original works of science will start coming out in our languages. Then we can move over like the Japanese.

A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

I think I’ve committed the one really bad English crime, which is I’ve risen above my station. I was supposed to be a pop star, and suddenly I’m claiming that I’m an artist of some kind.

Brian Eno