digital age quotes


I know when I grew up, it was, if it was daylight outside, get outside. Well, now, with the technological age of computers and everything, everyone’s inside virtually going everywhere they want to go, virtually having relationships, virtually traveling across the neighborhood, virtually going to that island.

Matthew McConaughey

I don’t write letters anymore.

George H. W. Bush

The Internet made fame wack and anonymity cool.

Frank Ocean

The Internet is just another experiment showing us more sides of us.

Frank Ocean

We live in a day that nobody’s lived in before: where you can touch more people. The message I’ll speak tonight and the message that I speak at home, people in India will hear. It’s just an amazing day.

Joel Osteen

I very much believe the Internet is indeed all it is cracked up to be.

Jeff Bezos

The Internet, man, is a beautiful thing.

The Weeknd

How do people relate to movies now, when they’re on portable devices or streaming them? It’s not as much about going to the movies. That experience has changed.

Keanu Reeves

In this digital age, it doesn’t really matter if you are in Canary Wharf or the Caribbean; there are opportunities waiting to be grasped by entrepreneurs.

Richard Branson

The imminent demise of the large record companies as gatekeepers of the world’s popular music is a good thing, for the most part.

David Byrne

What turns me on about the digital age, what excited me personally, is that you have closed the gap between dreaming and doing. You see, it used to be that if you wanted to make a record of a song, you needed a studio and a producer. Now, you need a laptop.


I find it amusing that I’m on the Internet now, because I’ve criticized it, but mainly I’ve criticized it on the basis of, ‚What are you going to do with it?‘

Ray Bradbury

You can’t be in love with a Google search.

Taylor Swift

After ten years of word processing, I can’t even do hand writing anymore.

Douglas Adams

The internet has been a boon and a curse for teenagers.

J. K. Rowling

I mean Facebook is no longer a company, it’s a country. 2 billion users. It can influence what we think, what we believe, how we vote, what we buy, even how we feel.

John Kennedy

What really turns me on about technology is not just the ability to get more songs on MP3 players. The revolution – this revolution – is much bigger than that. I hope, I believe. What turns me on about the digital age, what excites me personally, is that you have closed the gap between dreaming and doing.


We are all now connected by the Internet, like neurons in a giant brain.

Stephen Hawking

I don’t think anybody would argue now that the Internet isn’t becoming a major factor in our lives. However, it’s very new to us. Newsreaders still feel it is worth a special and rather worrying mention if, for instance, a crime was planned by people ‚over the Internet.‘

Douglas Adams

The computer brings out the worst in some people.

Brian Eno