connections quotes


We all die, we all get sick, we all feel hunger and lust and pain, and therefore human life is consistent from one generation to the other. We all – most of us, anyway – want connections with other people and spend our lives looking for them.

Paul Auster

Social media is reducing social barriers. It connects people on the strength of human values, not identities.

Narendra Modi

People who don’t like my work say that the connections seem too arbitrary. But that’s how life is.

Paul Auster

It’s not just human nature to associate in tribes. It’s deeper than that.

Jordan Peterson

Friendships, in general, are suddenly contracted; and therefore it is no wonder they are easily dissolved.

Joseph Addison

I boldly assert, in fact I think I know, that a lot of friendships and connections absolutely depend upon a sort of shared language, or slang. Not necessarily designed to exclude others, this can establish a certain comity and, even after a long absence, re-establish it in a second.

Christopher Hitchens

The ‚Maddox Jolie-Pitt‘ Foundation’s work is inspired by our children and their connections to particular countries.

Angelina Jolie

Life is made of ever so many partings welded together.

Charles Dickens

Science is beautiful when it makes simple explanations of phenomena or connections between different observations. Examples include the double helix in biology and the fundamental equations of physics.

Stephen Hawking

You see something, then it clicks with something else, and it will make a story. But you never know when it’s going to happen.

Stephen King