black and white quotes


Many people say that this is not an easy issue, we cannot just say that this is how it is, it’s not black and white. But I say that this is black and white. Either we stop the emissions or we don’t. There are no gray areas when it comes to survival.

Greta Thunberg

I see the world in black and white, and I don’t like compromising.

Greta Thunberg

I agree with Balzac and 19th-century writers, black and white, who say, ‚I write for money.‘ Yes, I think everybody should be paid handsomely; I insist on it, and I pay people who work for me, or with me, handsomely.

Maya Angelou

I’m very proud of the Rome episode of ‚No Reservations‘ because it violated all the conventional wisdom about making television. You’re never, ever supposed to do a food or travel show in black and white.

Anthony Bourdain

Black-and-white always looks modern, whatever that word means.

Karl Lagerfeld

When I do a picture and it’s 90% black, like ‚Bird,‘ I use 90% black people.

Clint Eastwood