balance quotes


I never took a day off in my twenties. Not one. And I’m still fanatical, but now I’m a little less fanatical.

Bill Gates

Strength and compassion are not mutually exclusive.

Robert Kiyosaki

I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it.

Thomas Jefferson

Hobbies are apt to run away with us, you know; it doesn’t do to be run away with. We must keep the reins.

George Eliot

There is a very fine line between loving life and being greedy for it.

Maya Angelou

There are always people always asking you for something. But I feel like I have a foundation. I have a supporting cast where it doesn’t bother me too much.

LeBron James

Govern a great nation as you would cook a small fish. Do not overdo it.

Lao Tzu

The trouble with always trying to preserve the health of the body is that it is so difficult to do without destroying the health of the mind.

Gilbert K. Chesterton

There is moderation even in excess.

Benjamin Disraeli

I guess you could say I devoted myself so strongly to my music that for awhile I forgot about my family. But I only get one set of parents, and I think I forgot about that for a little while.

Lady Gaga

You can’t take care of charity unless you take care of yourself first.

Robert Kiyosaki

The world has crafted a beautiful balance of collective action – common but differentiated responsibility and respective capabilities.

Narendra Modi

We cannot insist only on issues related to abortion, gay marriage and the use of contraceptive methods. The teaching of the church is clear, and I am a son of the church, but it is not necessary to talk about these issues all the time.

Pope Francis

People with great gifts are easy to find, but symmetrical and balanced ones never.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

The more a person seeks security, the more that person gives up control over their life.

Robert Kiyosaki

The choicest pleasures of life lie within the ring of moderation.

Benjamin Disraeli

Sometimes I’m a bit under-aggressive and sometimes a bit over. But I think it’s good to have both.

Lando Norris

I explain the law of compensation like this: ‚Returns are minimal in spite of massive effort at the start, yet returns can be massive with minimal effort over time.

Robert Kiyosaki

‚Tis healthy to be sick sometimes.

Henry David Thoreau

An overflow of good converts to bad.

William Shakespeare

It is as healthy to enjoy sentiment as to enjoy jam.

Gilbert K. Chesterton

Luck is a very thin wire between survival and disaster, and not many people can keep their balance on it.

Hunter S. Thompson

Of my mental cycles, I devote maybe ten percent to business thinking. Business isn’t that complicated. I wouldn’t want to put it on my business card.

Bill Gates

When you play, play hard; when you work, don’t play at all.

Theodore Roosevelt

If a man walks in the woods for love of them half of each day, he is in danger of being regarded as a loafer. But if he spends his days as a speculator, shearing off those woods and making the earth bald before her time, he is deemed an industrious and enterprising citizen.

Henry David Thoreau

I like to talk about my obsession with french fries because I don’t want people to think that ‚Let’s Move‘ is about complete, utter deprivation. It’s about moderation and real-life changes and ideas that really work for families.

Michelle Obama

My family didn’t have a lot of money, so I worked my heart out to get my degrees. But the minute I graduated, suddenly everyone was asking me, ‚Well, when are you going to get married and start having kids?‘ And the truth is I had no idea how I would balance the expected role of wife and mother with a challenging career.

Michelle Obama

It is not good to be too free. It is not good to have everything one wants.

Blaise Pascal

To have in general but little feeling, seems to be the only security against feeling too much on any particular occasion.

George Eliot

I think it does Discworld good if I don’t write about it all the time: sometimes you have to get it out of your system.

Terry Pratchett

Building a mission and building a business go hand in hand. The primary thing that excites me is the mission. But we have always had a healthy understanding that we need to do both.

Mark Zuckerberg

People have been fed this diet of pabulum, rights, and impulsive freedom. There’s just an absolute starvation for the other side of the story.

Jordan Peterson

A properly balanced story provides an equal representation of the negative and positive attributes of, I could say the world, but it’s actually a being. ‚Harry Potter“s a good example. So Harry’s the hero, right. But he’s tainted with evil. There’s a dark and a light in every bit of that narrative. It’s well balanced.

Jordan Peterson

It’s pretty hard to be efficient without being obnoxious.

Elbert Hubbard

As a lifestyle you always being the focal point is innately unhealthy.

Frank Ocean

Ridiculous yachts and private planes and big limousines won’t make people enjoy life more, and it sends out terrible messages to the people who work for them. It would be so much better if that money was spent in Africa – and it’s about getting a balance.

Richard Branson

The life which men praise and regard as successful is but one kind. Why should we exaggerate any one kind at the expense of the others?

Henry David Thoreau

What I tell my kids is, ‚I’m preparing you for college and for life. So, having independence, knowing how to set your own boundaries, figuring out how to make that balance. We still have screen-time rules.‘

Michelle Obama

I always believe that there should come a time when your energy, speed, stamina should combine well with your brains.

Sunil Chhetri

Moderation is the center wherein all philosophies, both human and divine, meet.

Benjamin Disraeli

When you are right you cannot be too radical; when you are wrong, you cannot be too conservative.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

While we should never give up our principles, we must also realize that we cannot maintain our principles unless we survive.

Henry Kissinger

With all the… success that I’ve been lucky enough to get? That doesn’t happen unless the home life is solid.

Dwayne Johnson

Surround yourself with people who take their work seriously, but not themselves, those who work hard and play hard.

Colin Powell

It’s not called quitting if you quit while you ahead. It’s about being aware and being strategic enough to know that you got to get out the pool at some point. You got to put your clothes back on and dry off.

Nipsey Hussle

The assumption is that your personal life has to be a mess to create, but how much chaos can you allow in before it takes over?

David Byrne

I don’t care how busy I am – I will always make time for what’s most important to me.

Kevin Hart

Life is grim, and we don’t have to be grim all the time.

Madeleine Albright

Don’t run if you can walk. Don’t walk if you can stand. Don’t stand if you can sit. Don’t sit if you can lie down.

Lou Holtz

Everything isn’t political.

Jordan Peterson

Man does not live by soap alone; and hygiene, or even health, is not much good unless you can take a healthy view of it or, better still, feel a healthy indifference to it.

Gilbert K. Chesterton

Order without liberty and liberty without order are equally destructive.

Theodore Roosevelt

My kids are normal. If they could eat burgers and fries and ice cream every day, they would. And so would I. But that doesn’t sustain us.

Michelle Obama

The problem in defense is how far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Become slower in your journey through life. Practice yoga and meditation if you suffer from ‚hurry sickness.‘ Become more introspective by visiting quiet places such as churches, museums, mountains and lakes. Give yourself permission to read at least one novel a month for pleasure.

Wayne Dyer

Earnestness is enthusiasm tempered by reason.

Blaise Pascal

A broad margin of leisure is as beautiful in a man’s life as in a book. Haste makes waste, no less in life than in housekeeping. Keep the time, observe the hours of the universe, not of the cars.

Henry David Thoreau

To be safe at the expense of the liberty of other people is a difficult equation.

Madeleine Albright

Work is the meat of life, pleasure the dessert.

B. C. Forbes

It is far more difficult to be simple than to be complicated; far more difficult to sacrifice skill and easy execution in the proper place, than to expand both indiscriminately.

John Ruskin