articulation quotes


In ideal form of social control is an atomised collection of individuals focused on their own narrow concern, lacking the kinds of organisations in which they can gain information, develop and articulate their thoughts, and act constructively to achieve common ends.

Noam Chomsky

If the tongue had not been framed for articulation, man would still be a beast in the forest.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

That’s another hallmark of truth, is that it snaps things together. People write to me all the time and say it’s as if things were coming together in my mind. It’s like the Platonic idea that all learning was remembering. You have a nature, and when you feel that nature articulated, it’s it’s like the act of snapping the puzzle pieces together.

Jordan Peterson

Talkers are usually more articulate than doers, since talk is their specialty.

Thomas Sowell

When you are president, being able to clearly articulate detailed plans to help the people of this country is a good thing. Knowing what you’re doing is a good thing. And let me tell you, Hillary Clinton absolutely knows what she’s doing.

Michelle Obama

I’m not very articulate.

David Bowie

It’s funny because I’ve made a living off of words, but words get in the way of what you really want to say.

Kanye West

The most important things are the hardest things to say. They are the things you get ashamed of because words diminish your feelings – words shrink things that seem timeless when they are in your head to no more than living size when they are brought out.

Stephen King

Everything becomes a little different as soon as it is spoken out loud.

Hermann Hesse