amazement quotes


If there was an observer on Mars, they would probably be amazed that we have survived this long.

Noam Chomsky

Nothing is poetical if plain daylight is not poetical; and no monster should amaze us if the normal man does not amaze.

Gilbert K. Chesterton

And if a person is religious, I think it’s good, it helps you a bit. But if you’re not, at least you can have the sense that there is a condition inside you which looks at the stars with amazement and awe.

Maya Angelou

At my advanced age – I’m now an octogenarian – I’m constantly amazed by the number of people who want to take my picture.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

The human bird shall take his first flight, filling the world with amazement, all writings with his fame, and bringing eternal glory to the nest whence he sprang.

Leonardo da Vinci

Love is the joy of the good, the wonder of the wise, the amazement of the Gods.
