accuracy quotes


Oh, the difference between nearly right and exactly right.

H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Beautiful sentences pop into my head. Beautiful sentences that aren’t always absolutely accurate. Then, I have to choose between the beautiful sentence and being absolutely accurate. It can be a difficult choice.

Christopher Hitchens

We know accurately only when we know little, with knowledge doubt increases.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I didn’t take many penalties, but I never missed one.

Jurgen Klopp

Justice and truth are too such subtle points that our tools are too blunt to touch them accurately.

Blaise Pascal

Being politically correct means saying what’s polite rather than what’s accurate. I like to be accurate.

Robert Kiyosaki

I’ve taken countless shots in my life, so you know the ones when you’re in rhythm, with a perfect release, and it’s on track, that it’s going in.

Stephen Curry

Quote me as saying I was mis-quoted.

Groucho Marx

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

Joseph Addison

Men were not intended to work with the accuracy of tools, to be precise and perfect in all their actions.

John Ruskin

In the United States, one of the main topics of academic political science is the study of attitudes and policy and their correlation. The study of attitudes is reasonably easy in the United States: heavily-polled society, pretty serious and accurate polls, and policy you can see, and you can compare them.

Noam Chomsky

The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it.

George Bernard Shaw

Early in life I had noticed that no event is ever correctly reported in a newspaper.

George Orwell

In experimental philosophy, we are to look upon propositions inferred by general induction from phenomena as accurately or very nearly true, notwithstanding any contrary hypotheses that may be imagined, till such time as other phenomena occur by which they may either be made more accurate or liable to exceptions.

Isaac Newton

Ezra was right half the time, and when he was wrong, he was so wrong you were never in any doubt about it.

Ernest Hemingway

If you’re doing a biography, you try to stay as accurate as possible to reality. But you really don’t know what was going on in the person’s mind. You just know what was going on in the minds of people around him.

Clint Eastwood

Dictionaries are like watches, the worst is better than none and the best cannot be expected to go quite true.

Samuel Johnson