I believe we have to nip Ebola in the bud before it spreads through Africa and to other countries.
Mark ZuckerbergIf September 11th has taught us anything, it’s certainly that the world has never been so interdependent. It is impossible now to be an island of prosperity in a sea of despair.
BonoThe year I was born, 1955, the first big disease-eradication program in the world was declared for malaria. After about a decade of work, they realized that, at least in the tropical areas, they did not have the tools to get it done.
Bill GatesIn low-income countries, the main problems you have is infectious diseases.
Bill GatesThe world has been very careful to pick very few diseases for eradication, because it is very tough.
Bill GatesI think all Americans believe in human rights. And health is an often overlooked aspect of basic human rights. And it’s one that’s easily corrected. The reason I say that is that many of the diseases that we treat around the world, I knew when I was a child. My mother was a registered nurse. And they no longer exist in our country.
Jimmy CarterIt’s never happened in history that every region in the world could affect every other region simultaneously. The Roman empire and the Chinese empire didn’t know much about each other and had no means of interacting. Now we have every continent able to reach every other.
Henry KissingerWhatever starts in California unfortunately has an inclination to spread.
Jimmy CarterAnyone that’s involved in development has discovered that all the good work that’s been done in development has been undone by the AIDS emergency.
BonoThe idea that there is one kind of African is, of course, ridiculous. Sometimes African entrepreneurs want to kill you because you are saying public health is the priority, not roads. Of course they are right to press for that issue, but so are we right, I believe, to argue, for example, that millions of children could and should be vaccinated.
BonoHealth is certainly extremely important, and we’ve done a number of things at Facebook to help improve global health and work in that area, and I am excited to do more there, too. But the reality is that it’s not an either-or. People need to be healthy and be able to have the Internet as a backbone to connect them to the whole economy.
Mark ZuckerbergWhen we think of the major threats to our national security, the first to come to mind are nuclear proliferation, rogue states and global terrorism. But another kind of threat lurks beyond our shores, one from nature, not humans – an avian flu pandemic.
Barack ObamaThe fragrance of flowers spreads only in the direction of the wind. But the goodness of a person spreads in all directions.
ChanakyaNinety percent of the cases of polio are in security-vulnerable areas.
Bill GatesIt’s OK for China to invent cancer drugs that cure patients in the United States. We want them to catch up. But as the leader, we want to keep setting a very, very high standard. We don’t want them to catch up because we’re slowing down or, even worse, going into reverse.
Bill GatesI think when smallpox was eliminated, the whole world got pretty excited about that because it’s just such a dramatic success.
Bill GatesThe Carter Center has the only existing international taskforce on disease eradication. Which means a total elimination of a disease on the face of the Earth. In the history of the world, there’s only been one disease eradicated: smallpox. The second disease, I think, is gonna be guinea worm.
Jimmy CarterIf you’re in a confined aircraft; when one person sneezes, it goes all the way through the aircraft.
Joe BidenWidespread use of antibiotics promotes the spread of antibiotic resistance. Smart use of antibiotics is the key to controlling its spread.
A. P. J. Abdul KalamFor Africa to move forward, you’ve really got to get rid of malaria.
Bill GatesFeelings are more dangerous than ideas, because they aren’t susceptible to rational evaluation. They grow quietly, spreading underground, and erupt suddenly, all over the place.
Brian EnoMedical costs are of concern, both in developing and developed countries.
A. P. J. Abdul KalamPolio’s pretty special because once you get an eradication, you no longer have to spend money on it; it’s just there as a gift for the rest of time.
Bill GatesSome very poor countries run great vaccination systems, and some richer ones run terrible programs.
Bill GatesI would put our legislative and foreign policy accomplishments in our first two years against any president – with the possible exceptions of Johnson, FDR, and Lincoln – just in terms of what we’ve gotten done in modern history. But, you know, but when it comes to the economy, we’ve got a lot more work to do. And we’re gonna keep on at it.
Barack Obama