Best Quotes Around the World

Discover the magic of words and the wisdom of the world's thinkers on our Best Quotes Around the World website We offer a collection of inspirational quotes to encourage, motivate and make you think. From ancient philosophers to modern authors, our collection includes the most beautiful thoughts from all corners of the world. Join us and be inspired by the power of words!

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We view things not only from different sides, but with different eyes; we have no wish to find them alike.

Blaise Pascal

K to 12 is partly about babysitting the kids so the parents can do other things.

Bill Gates

I’ve never canceled a subscription to a newspaper because of bad cartoons or editorials. If that were the case, I wouldn’t have any newspapers or magazines to read.

Richard M. Nixon

I feel good because I believe I have made progress in rebuilding the people’s trust in their government.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

When I was at school, I used to stay on a balcony singing and people would stand around listening.

Bad Bunny

Because of my parents‘ love of democracy, we came to America after being driven twice from our home in Czechoslovakia – first by Hitler and then by Stalin.

Madeleine Albright

Too often we act – ask our schools to be truant officers, our teachers to be truant officers, because we’re giving them children who have, you know, they’re not ready to learn. And if they’re not ready to learn by the third grade, they know they’re behind.

Colin Powell

It’s pretty hard to be efficient without being obnoxious.

Elbert Hubbard

When I was a young kid, I did not even dream about playing for my country. It was such a farfetched thing to play for India.

Sunil Chhetri

The genesis of a poem for me is usually a cluster of words. The only good metaphor I can think of is a scientific one: dipping a thread into a supersaturated solution to induce crystal formation. I don’t think I solve problems in my poetry; I think I uncover the problems.

Margaret Atwood

It’s always going to be a fight for anyone who isn’t an older white man. I want to fight for anyone who doesn’t have a fight.

Kanye West

I love our daughters more than anything in the world – more than life itself. And while that may not be the first thing that some folks want to hear from an Ivy-league-educated lawyer, it is truly who I am. So for me, being Mom-in-Chief is, and always will be, job number one.

Michelle Obama

Giving is just one way of expressing that God has been good to you and will continue to do so through your being good to others.

Joyce Meyer

In December, I agreed to extend the tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans because it was the only way I could prevent a tax hike on middle-class Americans. But we cannot afford $1 trillion worth of tax cuts for every millionaire and billionaire in our society. We can’t afford it. And I refuse to renew them again.

Barack Obama

You just don’t wake up one day and decide that you need to write songs.

Bob Dylan

People become attached to their burdens sometimes more than the burdens are attached to them.

George Bernard Shaw

The highly functional infrastructure that surrounds us, particularly in the West, is a gift from our ancestors: the comparatively uncorrupt political and economic systems, the technology, the wealth, the lifespan, the freedom, the luxury, and the opportunity.

Jordan Peterson

I’m very type-A, and many things in my life are about control and domination, but eating should be a submissive experience, where you let down your guard and enjoy the ride.

Anthony Bourdain

Only by joy and sorrow does a person know anything about themselves and their destiny. They learn what to do and what to avoid.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

There’s a War Crimes Act in the United States passed by a Republican Congress in 1996, which says that grave breaches of the Geneva Convention are subject to the death penalty. And that doesn’t mean the soldier that committed them – that means the commanders.

Noam Chomsky

We don’t want an America that is closed to the world. What we want is a world that is open to America.

George H. W. Bush

I am just one of many thousands called to be an evangelist.

Billy Graham

When you talk about black entrepreneurship, you’re talking about addressing the foundation of what’s going on with our people when we don’t have any financial power. Our basic needs aren’t being met in a lot of cases, so there’s no way we’re going to be able to tap into our potential until we address those bottom-level base needs.

Nipsey Hussle

With action films, it’s great if it’s not just driven by action, but by a good story and interesting characters, as well. Though, there’s nothin‘ like kicking butt!

Dwayne Johnson

In all seriousness, people think that it’s the ideas that are important. Well, everyone has ideas, all the time. I tend to write mine down and remember them, but at some point you have to apply the bum to the seat and knock out about sixty five thousand words – that’s how long a novel is.

Terry Pratchett

Never marry someone in hope that they’ll change later.

H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

My desire to devolve authority has nothing to do with a wish to shirk responsibility.

Dalai Lama

Dude, maybe not everyone loves ‚Glee.‘ Me included. I watched 10 minutes and it wasn’t my thing.

Dave Grohl

I respect Drake not only as a creative person but as a business mind as well. I think Drake’s important.

Frank Ocean

Some slaves are scoured to their work by whips, others by their restlessness and ambition.

John Ruskin

I think that it’s okay to be mad at someone who hurt you. This isn’t about, like, the pageantry of trying to seem like nothing affects you.

Taylor Swift

One must be an inventor to read well. There is then creative reading as well as creative writing.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

As capitalism falters, the rich move their money out of the country, violence increases, and politicians promising prosperity are elected.

Robert Kiyosaki

A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad.

Theodore Roosevelt

The progress of evolution from President Washington to President Grant was alone evidence to upset Darwin.

Henry Adams

I usually get up at 3 A.M. I don’t require a lot of sleep, and if I get tired, I’ll take a powernap during the day.

Dolly Parton

The presence of passion within you is the greatest gift you can receive. Treat it as a miracle.

Wayne Dyer

Our numbers have increased in Vietnam because the aggression of others has increased in Vietnam. There is not, and there will not be, a mindless escalation.

Lyndon B. Johnson

Facebook is really about communicating and telling stories… We think that people can really help spread awareness of organ donation and that they want to participate in this to their friends. And that can be a big part of helping solve the crisis that’s out there.

Mark Zuckerberg

He who angers you conquers you.

Elizabeth Kenny

I’ve had sleep paralysis.

The Weeknd

I look like I have beriberi and scurvy.

Lou Holtz

I answer only to God.

Mr. T

Tonight, we gather to affirm the greatness of our nation – not because of the height of our skyscrapers, or the power of our military, or the size of our economy. Our pride is based on a very simple premise, summed up in a declaration made over two hundred years ago.

Barack Obama

We need to, you know, restore people. We need to show mercy. I mean, because as much mercy as you show people, that’s the mercy you’re going to be receiving.

Joel Osteen

Common Core is a big win for education.

Bill Gates

It’s not proper for the government to intrude too thoroughly into the domain of the family. It’s inappropriate.

Jordan Peterson

I don’t know how much longer I’ll be around. I’ll probably be writing when the Lord says, ‚Maya, Maya Angelou, it’s time.‘

Maya Angelou

The horse I bet on was so slow, the jockey kept a diary of the trip.

Henny Youngman

Well, Art is Art, isn’t it? Still, on the other hand, water is water. And east is east and west is west and if you take cranberries and stew them like applesauce they taste much more like prunes than rhubarb does. Now you tell me what you know.

Groucho Marx

Too often the strong, silent man is silent only because he does not know what to say, and is reputed strong only because he has remained silent.

Winston Churchill

We believe that every single child has boundless promise, no matter who they are, where they come from, or how much money their parents have. We’ve got to remember that. We believe that each of these young people is a vital part of the great American story.

Michelle Obama

It’s a common misconception that money is every entrepreneur’s metric for success. It’s not, and nor should it be.

Richard Branson

An Englishman thinks he is moral when he is only uncomfortable.

George Bernard Shaw

To say that the United States has pursued diplomacy with North Korea is a little bit misleading. It did under the Clinton administration, though neither side completely lived up to their obligations. Clinton didn’t do what was promised, nor did North Korea, but they were making progress.

Noam Chomsky

I don’t understand what it’s all about or what’s worth what, but if the people in the Swedish Academy decide that x, y or z wins the Nobel Prize, then so be it.

Richard P. Feynman

Blessed is the influence of one true, loving human soul on another.

George Eliot

Oppressed people cannot remain oppressed forever. The yearning for freedom eventually manifests itself.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Love is an emotion that is based on an opinion of women that is impossible for those who have had any experience with them.

H. L. Mencken

Happiness is a ball after which we run wherever it rolls, and we push it with our feet when it stops.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe