Best Quotes Around the World

Discover the magic of words and the wisdom of the world's thinkers on our Best Quotes Around the World website We offer a collection of inspirational quotes to encourage, motivate and make you think. From ancient philosophers to modern authors, our collection includes the most beautiful thoughts from all corners of the world. Join us and be inspired by the power of words!

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Repartee is something we think of twenty-four hours too late.

Mark Twain

Elegance is usually confused with superficiality, fashion, lack of depth. This is a serious mistake: human beings need to have elegance in their actions and in their posture because this word is synonymous with good taste, amiability, equilibrium and harmony.

Paulo Coelho

Are we simply waving farewell to the days when some of the most interesting thinking in Europe and America came to us from our fiction film-makers? BBC2, which once introduced and showed great films, now shows none.

David Hare

I always have a full-length mirror next to the camera when I’m doing publicity stills. That way, I know how I look.

Marilyn Monroe

It is impossible to reason without arriving at a Supreme Being.

George Washington

Authority poisons everybody who takes authority on himself.

Golda Meir

Do not fear mistakes. You will know failure. Continue to reach out.

Benjamin Franklin

Lying is not only saying what isn’t true. It is also, in fact especially, saying more than is true and, in the case of the human heart, saying more than one feels. We all do it, every day, to make life simpler.

Albert Camus

What really turns me on about technology is not just the ability to get more songs on MP3 players. The revolution – this revolution – is much bigger than that. I hope, I believe. What turns me on about the digital age, what excites me personally, is that you have closed the gap between dreaming and doing.


Well, I think indigenous peoples have ways of living on the Earth that they’ve had forever. And they’ve been overrun by organized religion, which has had a lot of money and power.

Alice Walker

When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.

Ernest Hemingway

In taking revenge, a man is but even with his enemy; but in passing it over, he is superior.

Francis Bacon

Dignity does not consist in possessing honors, but in deserving them.


I know the blessing of having a dad who played 16 years in the league. That experience, and seeing him as an example, let me know that it’s possible. It’s not easy, but it’s possible.

Stephen Curry

The best government is that which teaches us to govern ourselves.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Memory is deceptive because it is colored by today’s events.

Albert Einstein

I think we’re still in a muddle with our language, because once you get words and a spoken language it gets harder to communicate.

Jane Goodall

I hope that tomorrow we can all, wherever we are, join in expressing our grief at Diana’s loss, and gratitude for her all-too-short life. It is a chance to show to the whole world the British nation united in grief and respect.

Queen Elizabeth II

Rameswaram has, since antiquity, been an important pilgrimage destination.

A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

Beauty is worse than wine, it intoxicates both the holder and beholder.

Aldous Huxley

I have wasted my hours.

Leonardo da Vinci

My first big mission for UNICEF in Ethiopia was just to attract attention, before it was too late, to conditions which threatened the whole country. My role was to inform the world, to make sure that the people of Ethiopia were not forgotten.

Audrey Hepburn

The man who will use his skill and constructive imagination to see how much he can give for a dollar, instead of how little he can give for a dollar, is bound to succeed.

Henry Ford

The Bill of Rights is not an a la carte menu.

John Kennedy

Words do not express thoughts very well. They always become a little different immediately after they are expressed, a little distorted, a little foolish.

Hermann Hesse

Many a man thinks he is buying pleasure, when he is really selling himself to it.

Benjamin Franklin

I think ‚The Color Purple‘ is so bursting with love, the need for connection, the showing of the need for connection around the globe.

Alice Walker

But the attitude of faith is to let go, and become open to truth, whatever it might turn out to be.

Alan Watts

Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith.

Steve Jobs

‚Bellyache‘ is totally fictional. I like writing about things that aren’t real. The song is about not trusting anyone and then putting trust in yourself and realizing that you don’t know what you are doing, either. Or realizing that things you do with a group of people that you think are cool in the moment are ultimately all on you.

Billie Eilish

When I was younger and did a stand-up gig, it would take me two weeks to recover. Sometimes I’d get so panicked that I would stutter.

Adam Sandler

I enjoy acting when you really hit it right.

Marilyn Monroe

I owe nothing to Women’s Lib.

Margaret Thatcher

The first step, my son, which one makes in the world, is the one on which depends the rest of our days.


It was wonderful to find America, but it would have been more wonderful to miss it.

Mark Twain

He who commits injustice is ever made more wretched than he who suffers it.


I never saw any of my dad’s stories. My mother said he had piles and piles of manuscripts.

Stephen King

If you are not too long, I will wait here for you all my life.

Oscar Wilde

I dislike the concept of ‚chic‘ being the highest compliment for a human being. I’d rather someone be nice than to be chic.

Kanye West

The gods had condemned Sisyphus to ceaselessly rolling a rock to the top of a mountain, whence the stone would fall back of its own weight. They had thought with some reason that there is no more dreadful punishment than futile and hopeless labor.

Albert Camus

The environment is everything that isn’t me.

Albert Einstein

When you are laboring for others let it be with the same zeal as if it were for yourself.


The young are permanently in a state resembling intoxication.


Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

Mahatma Gandhi

Women. They are a complete mystery.

Stephen Hawking

Somebody once asked me what my theory of life was, and I said, ‚Don’t try.‘ That fits the writing, too. I don’t try; I just type.

Charles Bukowski

The man who promises everything is sure to fulfil nothing, and everyone who promises too much is in danger of using evil means in order to carry out his promises, and is already on the road to perdition.

Carl Jung

Guilt for being rich, and guilt thinking that perhaps love and peace isn’t enough and you have to go and get shot or something.

John Lennon

I regarded finding I had a form of Alzheimer’s as an insult and decided to do my best to marshal any kind of forces I could against this wretched disease. I have posterior cortical atrophy or PCA. They say, rather ingenuously, that if you have Alzheimer’s it’s the best form of Alzheimer’s to have.

Terry Pratchett

Nothing is divine but what is agreeable to reason.

Immanuel Kant

In Hawaii, some of the biggest radio stations are reggae. The local bands are heavily influenced by Bob Marley.

Bruno Mars

The walls, the bars, the guns and the guards can never encircle or hold down the idea of the people.

Huey Newton

One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles possesses the only strength which can overcome adversity.

Albert Schweitzer

I’m attracted to women who are smart and funny and ambitious and have lives of their own and great families. Isn’t that what attracts anyone?

Tom Brady

I advocate that every woman be a part of a circle, and a circle that meets at least once a month, or if you can’t do that, once every two months or every four months.

Alice Walker

Money without brains is always dangerous.

Napoleon Hill

A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned how to walk forward.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Necessity never made a good bargain.

Benjamin Franklin

I wish that the Indians believed me a god, for upon the report of an enemy’s valor oftentimes depends the success of a battle, and false reports have many times done as great things as true courage and resolution.

Alexander the Great

My justification is that most people my age spend a lot of time thinking about what they’re going to do for the next five or ten years. The time they spend thinking about their life, I just spend drinking.

Amy Winehouse