Best Quotes Around the World

Discover the magic of words and the wisdom of the world's thinkers on our Best Quotes Around the World website We offer a collection of inspirational quotes to encourage, motivate and make you think. From ancient philosophers to modern authors, our collection includes the most beautiful thoughts from all corners of the world. Join us and be inspired by the power of words!

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Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike.

J. K. Rowling

Commonsense is the realised sense of proportion.

Mahatma Gandhi

I mean, we’ve built a lot of products that we think are good, and will help people share photos and share videos and write messages to each other. But it’s really all about how people are spreading Facebook around the world in all these different countries. And that’s what’s so amazing about the scale that it’s at today.

Mark Zuckerberg

Whatever possession we gain by our sword cannot be sure or lasting, but the love gained by kindness and moderation is certain and durable.

Alexander the Great

I consider ISIS nothing more than an excuse for Iran to continue its mischief.

Jim Mattis

The walls we build around us to keep sadness out also keeps out the joy.

Jim Rohn

Arguments are extremely vulgar, for everyone in good society holds exactly the same opinion.

Oscar Wilde

Singing aloud leaves you with a sense of levity and contentedness.

Brian Eno

And it comes from saying no to 1,000 things to make sure we don’t get on the wrong track or try to do too much. We’re always thinking about new markets we could enter, but it’s only by saying no that you can concentrate on the things that are really important.

Steve Jobs

Managers today have to do more with less, and get better results from limited resources, more than ever before.

Brian Tracy

What is the difference between a taxidermist and a tax collector? The taxidermist takes only your skin.

Mark Twain

Sometimes I wonder if I’m as famous for my wheelchair and disabilities as I am for my discoveries.

Stephen Hawking

Man never legislates, but destinies and accidents, happening in all sorts of ways, legislate in all sorts of ways.


They are resilient children, but they are children, and as much as they need help to understand the hard truths in life, they also need what we all need – protection and love.

Angelina Jolie

Rastafari not a culture, it’s a reality.

Bob Marley

The starting point of all achievement is desire.

Napoleon Hill

You and I come by road or rail, but economists travel on infrastructure.

Margaret Thatcher

I recognize terror as the finest emotion and so I will try to terrorize the reader. But if I find that I cannot terrify, I will try to horrify, and if I find that I cannot horrify, I’ll go for the gross-out. I’m not proud.

Stephen King

My uncle played rugby, and my dad played football, and they used to argue which game was the roughest – and everybody agreed rugby was. It’s a great team sport, and to be successful, every person has to play in the same level.

Clint Eastwood

At my advanced age – I’m now an octogenarian – I’m constantly amazed by the number of people who want to take my picture.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Everything in war is very simple. But the simplest thing is difficult.

Carl von Clausewitz

The intention and outcome of vulnerability is trust, intimacy and connection. The outcome of oversharing is distrust, disconnection – and usually a little judgment.

Brene Brown

It is the advertiser who provides the paper for the subscriber. It is not to be disputed, that the publisher of a newspaper in this country, without a very exhaustive advertising support, would receive less reward for his labor than the humblest mechanic.

Alexander Hamilton

The events that I have attended to mark my Diamond Jubilee have been a humbling experience. It has touched me deeply to see so many thousands of families, neighbors and friends celebrating together in such a happy atmosphere.

Queen Elizabeth II

For an occurrence to become an adventure, it is necessary and sufficient for one to recount it.

Jean-Paul Sartre

If boyhood and youth are but vanity, must it not be our ambition to become men?

Vincent Van Gogh

Just as we develop our physical muscles through overcoming opposition – such as lifting weights – we develop our character muscles by overcoming challenges and adversity.

Stephen Covey

If I were a Roman Catholic, I should turn a heretic, in sheer desperation, because I would rather go to heaven than go to purgatory.

Charles Spurgeon

I listen to music all day every day. I can’t not listen to music. It’s kind of scary how much I listen to music, but it’s what I love, and it’s all I care about, so I’m good with it.

Billie Eilish

Indeed, history is nothing more than a tableau of crimes and misfortunes.


He who laughs best today, will also laughs last.

Friedrich Nietzsche

If I’m a star, then the people made me a star.

Marilyn Monroe

Follow that will and that way which experience confirms to be your own.

Carl Jung

I love imperfections.

Lady Gaga

He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Crankiness is at the essence of all comedy. My wife and I were discussing the different types of cranky. There’s entertaining cranky, annoying cranky, angry cranky.

Jerry Seinfeld

Speed, it seems to me, provides the one genuinely modern pleasure.

Aldous Huxley

There is a great discovery still to be made in literature, that of paying literary men by the quantity they do not write.

Thomas Carlyle

Friendship with ones self is all important, because without it one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world.

Eleanor Roosevelt

Whenever a doctor cannot do good, he must be kept from doing harm.


We are not to give credit to the many, who say that none ought to be educated but the free; but rather to the philosophers, who say that the well-educated alone are free.


Happy the man whose wish and care a few paternal acres bound, content to breathe his native air in his own ground.

Alexander Pope

You should not believe your conscience and your feelings more than the word which the Lord who receives sinners preaches to you.

Martin Luther

The highest use of capital is not to make more money, but to make money do more for the betterment of life.

Henry Ford

I have a wish. It as a fear as well – that in my end will be my beginning.

Che Guevara

I don’t give a damn for a man that can only spell a word one way.

Mark Twain

If I err in belief that the souls of men are immortal, I gladly err, nor do I wish this error which gives me pleasure to be wrested from me while I live.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

I think that’s the single best piece of advice: constantly think about how you could be doing things better and questioning yourself.

Elon Musk

Wall Street is the only place that people ride to in a Rolls Royce to get advice from those who take the subway.

Warren Buffett

Intuition and concepts constitute… the elements of all our knowledge, so that neither concepts without an intuition in some way corresponding to them, nor intuition without concepts, can yield knowledge.

Immanuel Kant

Sleep is the interest we have to pay on the capital which is called in at death; and the higher the rate of interest and the more regularly it is paid, the further the date of redemption is postponed.

Arthur Schopenhauer

This is a ruthless world and one must be ruthless to cope with it.

Charlie Chaplin

Nothing is void of God, his work is everywhere his full of himself.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

All art is dependent on technology because it’s a human endeavour, so even when you’re using charcoal on a wall or designed the proscenium arch, that’s technology.

George Lucas

It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.


A chain is no stronger than its weakest link, and life is after all a chain.

William James

Oh, God, I struggle with low self-esteem all the time! I think everyone does. I have so much wrong with me, it’s unbelievable!

Angelina Jolie

If you always do what interests you, at least one person is pleased.

Katharine Hepburn

There’s nowhere else like London. Nothing at all, anywhere.

Vivienne Westwood

Whosoever desires constant success must change his conduct with the times.

Niccolo Machiavelli