I personally have stopped flying. I have stopped eating meat and dairy.
Greta ThunbergWhat is a farm but a mute gospel?
Ralph Waldo EmersonI love being in the United States Senate.
John KennedyMany people, especially in the U.S., see countries like Sweden or Norway or Finland as role models – we have such a clean energy sector, and so on. That may be true, but we are not role models.
Greta ThunbergWar contributes greatly to global warming, which shouldn’t surprise us. All those bombs going off, all those rockets, all those planes and helicopters. All that fuel of various kinds being used. It pollutes the air and water of this very fragile and interconnected planet.
Alice WalkerThe U.S. increasingly has taken on the characteristics of what we describe as ‚failed states.‘
Noam ChomskyThe Vietnam War was a great tragedy for our country. And it is now far enough away so that one can study without using the slogans to see what’s really happened.
Henry KissingerEntrepreneurs and their small enterprises are responsible for almost all the economic growth in the United States.
Ronald ReaganNobody wants to put the creditworthiness of the United States in jeopardy. Nobody wants to see the United States default. So we’ve got to seize this moment, and we have to seize it soon.
Barack ObamaEvery time there has been an effort by the Haitian people to overcome the misery and poverty that comes from 200 years of bitter attacks, really bitter, the U.S. steps in and blocks it.
Noam ChomskyI’m substantially concerned about the policy directions of the space agency. We have a situation in the U.S. where the White House and Congress are at odds over what the future direction should be. They’re sort of playing a game and NASA is the shuttlecock that they’re hitting back and forth.
Neil ArmstrongWe always live in an uncertain world. What is certain is that the United States will go forward over time.
Warren BuffettThe United States fully accepts the profound truth that our own progress, prosperity, and peace are interlocked with the progress, prosperity, and peace of all humanity.
Herbert HooverFrom my intimate discussions with President Obama, it is evident that India figures significantly in American geo-political, economic and strategic thinking. India is the largest democracy in the world.
Narendra ModiRight now, when we’re hearing so much disturbing and hateful rhetoric, it is so important to remember that our diversity has been – and will always be – our greatest source of strength and pride here in the United States.
Michelle ObamaI do not look upon these United States as a finished product. We are still in the making.
Franklin D. RooseveltIf you’re low-income in the United States, you have a higher chance of going to jail than you do of getting a four-year degree. And that doesn’t seem entirely fair.
Bill GatesIn the United States, we can do almost anything we want. It’s not like Egypt, where you’re going to get murdered by the security forces.
Noam ChomskyIf you do a Google search, you will probably read a lot of stuff about how I am someone who wants to kill all the Jews and hates the United States.
Noam ChomskyThe United States is afraid of China; it is not a military threat to anyone and is the least aggressive of all the major military powers.
Noam ChomskyThose 62 million girls who are not being educated around the world impact my life in Washington, D.C., in the United States of America. Because if we aren’t empowering and providing the skills and the resources to half of our population, then we’re not realizing our full potential as a society, as mankind.
Michelle ObamaIn many respects, the United States is a great country. Freedom of speech is protected more than in any other country. It is also a very free society.
Noam ChomskyPeople seem to know about May Day everywhere except where it began, here in the United States of America. That’s because those in power have done everything they can to erase its real meaning.
Noam ChomskyThe United States was seriously defeated in Iraq by Iraqi nationalism – mostly by nonviolent resistance. The United States could kill the insurgents, but they couldn’t deal with half a million people demonstrating in the streets.
Noam ChomskyIn the United States, I am a great success, but I am not a celebrity.
Paulo CoelhoThe United States supports a strong, united Ukraine with productive and peaceful relationships with both the East and the West, with both Russia and Europe.
Joe BidenWe have to rethink our whole energy approach, which is hard to do because we’re so dependent on oil, not just for fuel but also plastic. If plastic vanished, there would be total chaos. We have to think quite carefully about using oil and its derivatives, because it’s not going to be around forever.
Margaret AtwoodThe United States is unusual among the industrial democracies in the rigidity of the system of ideological control – ‚indoctrination‘, we might say – exercised through the mass media.
Noam ChomskyPeople in Latin America… love America from afar and emulate America in some ways but also hate a lot of things that America does to them.
David ByrneThe United States tyrannizes and pillages the globalized world with its political, economic, technological, and military might.
Fidel CastroThe U.S. is just in a class by itself in military expenses. It basically matches the rest of the world, and it’s far more advanced.
Noam ChomskyAs strong as the United States is, we can’t deal with terrorism alone.
Madeleine AlbrightImagine a political system so radical as to promise to move more of the poorest 20% of the population into the richest 20% than remain in the poorest bracket within the decade? You don’t need to imagine it. It’s called the United States of America.
Thomas SowellIn order to deal with all the medical cost demands and other challenges in the U.S., as we look to raise that revenue, the rich will have to pay slightly more. That’s quite clear.
Bill GatesISIS is not an existential threat to something happening to someone in the United States of America. It’s a serious problem overseas, but it’s confusing and frightening.
Joe BidenIn order for the United States to do the right things for the long term, it appears to be helpful for us to have the prospect of humiliation. Sputnik helped us fund good science – really good science: the semiconductor came out of it.
Bill GatesI can die a happy man never having been president of the United States of America. But it doesn’t mean I won’t run.
Joe BidenI’m a lad of the ’60s. I started a magazine to try and end the Vietnam war, but it was a number of years before I had the profile, the financial resources and the time to do more.
Richard BransonIn February 2004, the two traditional torturers of Haiti – France and the United States – combined to back a military coup and send President Aristide off to Africa. The U.S. denies him permission to return to the entire region.
Noam ChomskyI believe we can continue the Great Society while we fight in Vietnam.
Lyndon B. JohnsonI can say with confidence there has never been a man or a woman – not me, not Bill, nobody – more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as president of the United States of America.
Barack ObamaThe U.S. is off the spectrum in religious commitment.
Noam ChomskyIf the United States loses the economic weapons of control, it is very much weakened.
Noam ChomskyWashington isn’t a city, it’s an abstraction.
Dylan ThomasIs the Iranian record of intervention and terror worse than that of the U.S.?
Noam ChomskyWe also can’t try to take over and rebuild every country that falls into crisis. That’s not leadership; that’s a recipe for quagmire, spilling American blood and treasure that ultimately weakens us. It’s the lesson of Vietnam, of Iraq – and we should have learned it by now.
Barack ObamaI don’t have freedom in the United States to go into a public school and preach the Gospel, nor is a student free in a public school to pray, or a teacher free to read the Bible publicly to the students. At the same time, we have a great degree of freedom for which I am grateful.
Billy GrahamForeignness is all around. Only in the heart of the heart of the country, namely the heart of the United States, can you avoid such a thing. In the center of an empire, you can think of your experience as universal. Outside the empire or on the fringes of the empire, you cannot.
Margaret AtwoodOver the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.
Barack ObamaWhen America stopped importing from China, China stopped importing from the rest of the world. This affects Asian countries as well as Australia, Brazil, and other suppliers of raw materials.
Robert KiyosakiSomeday, the capitalist system will disappear in the United States, because no social class system has been eternal. One day, class societies will disappear.
Fidel CastroI think that slavery is wrong, morally, socially and politically. I desire that it should be no further spread in these United States, and I should not object if it should gradually terminate in the whole Union.
Abraham LincolnI can hear you, the rest of the world can hear you and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon.
George W. BushUndoubtedly, the U.S. harbors leading international terrorists, people described by the F.B.I. and the Justice Department as leading terrorists, like Orlando Bosch, now Posada Carriles, not to speak of those who actually implement state terrorism.
Noam ChomskyGreece has been, in many ways, a partially dysfunctional society. For example, the wealthy barely pay taxes… to an extent, that’s true elsewhere, including the United States, but it’s been pretty extreme in Greece.
Noam ChomskyI’m reasonably optimistic about the future, especially the future of the United States – for the century, at least.
Elon MuskChina is a great manufacturing center, but it’s actually mostly an assembly plant. So it assembles parts and components, high technology that comes from the surrounding industrial – more advanced industrial centers – Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, the United States, Europe – and it basically assembles them.
Noam ChomskyLeadership is absolutely vital if there are comparable countries which can affect the security of the world you live in. Between Lincoln and Roosevelt’s time, America was protected by huge oceans and, in practice, by the British navy. Today, it’s different, and the obsession of the Obama administration has been for retrenchment.
Henry KissingerIn most mills, only the best portions of the best trees are used, while the ruins are left on the ground to feed great fires which kill much of what is left of the less desirable timber, together with the seedlings on which the permanence of the forest depends.
John MuirFidel Castro, whatever people may think of him, is a hero in Latin America, primarily because he stood up to the United States.
Noam Chomsky